Budget news adds insult to injury

Adding insult to injury: Brace for increased funding amidst Martin’s devastating second round of cuts to the fall schedule 

State Investments: The Governors May Revise proposes substantial investments in the California Community College System. While this is not yet the final budget, it indicates a clear intent to substantially support colleges with both ongoing and one-time funds. These numbers are subject to the budget process and may change, but AFT estimates that at least 33 million in one time funding will be allocated to CCSF, over 10 million of which will be discretionary (i.e. a blank check). Additionally, the COLA has been increased to 6.56% resulting in a total of over 9 million dollars in ongoing unrestricted funding. Further, the state proposes to eliminate the “fiscal cliff” by converting the hold harmless provision into a permanent funding floor. With tens of millions in new state revenue, there is simply no budget rationale for layoffs that will devastate the schedule and programs. 

A tale of two budgets:  AFT has long held that this year’s budget contains inverted priorities and a slew of errant projections. Budget priorities are within the District’s power to manipulate, but errant projections are matters of fact that are clarified over time. And when the time comes for Trustees to face the facts behind the District’s errant projections, they will have a responsibility to act. AFT has prepared this video and factsheet for trustees– what will Trustees do in the face of a funding reality that disputes the devastating actions they have just sanctioned? 

In the face of corrected projections, rebounding local funding and historic state investments, Martin refuses to change course to protect students and programs. He has spent too much of his political capital to permanently eliminate Full Time faculty positions. Will trustees sink their political capital into blindly supporting this Chancellor’s fatal plan? 

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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