Vote now – COPE | Signature gathering for revenue measure | More…

It’s time to take a COPE vote and here also are updates from today’s COPE meeting about our revenue unity efforts, opposing Prop H the right-wing backed recall of Chesa Boudin on June 7th and upcoming work with the SF Green New Deal coalition!

Revenue Unity Proposal & Signature Gathering
  • The voting link for endorsement of our Revenue Unity Coalition legislation is open for 24 hours at this link:
  • See the full text of the CCSF Revenue Unity Coalition’s proposal HERE
  • See the Revenue Unity Coalition’s Executive Summary HERE.
  • Information about our Saturday, June 4th signature-gathering kickoff and volunteering to gather signatures:

Get Out the Vote for to Support Chesa Boudin June 7th – No on H!

June 7th is the primary election in SF and Chesa Boudin, our previously endorsed candidate for District Attorney is facing a recall led by right-wing forces! Please help us get the word out for No on H! Join our allies in the Labor Council to get out the Vote for No on H at 329 Note St. in SF on Saturday 5/21 from 10am-2pm! Sign up here: or join the weekly phone banks to help out remotely. Please remember to vote June 7th and tell your networks to vote No on H!

Helping City College Lead In a Green New Deal for SF!

AFT 2121 has been engaged in ongoing work to support a Green New Deal for SF. On June 21st we will be joining allies with Jobs with Justice in a conversation about a future ballot measure to fund a Green New Deal for SF which could bring new resources for green jobs and workforce development to CCSF, but we need more member participation in these discussions so that we can explore the role of community colleges in a just transition to a green economy. If you are interested in getting involved, please email Adele Failes-Carpenter, Political Director:

Posted in News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595