Vote in your Union elections | Poor People’s March on Washington | More…

Time to vote in your Union Elections

Don’t forget to vote in your union’s elections! Elections are open until Monday, May 2nd at 5pm. This is your chance to have a say in the union’s leadership at all levels, for the 2022-2024 period. There is also a measure on the ballot to update the AFT 2121 constitution & by-laws regarding how ballots are distributed. Your voice counts and your vote matters!

You should have already received an electronic ballot via email for anonymous voting from Election Buddy. If you have not yet received a ballot or you have lost it, please contact For general questions about the election, you can contact the Election Commission at

Thank you!

Your election commission: Janey Skinner, Mitra Sapienza, Melissa McPeters, Chad Stephenson (alternate)

Poor People‘s and Low-Wage Workers’ March on Washington: June 18th 2022

AFT2121 has endorsed the Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ March on Washington this summer. This March follows in the tradition of Martin Luther King, Jr and his Poor People’s Campaign. The Rev. Bishop William Barber, III and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis are the Co-Chairs. Five General Demands are part of the March’s program.

  1. End Systemic Racism and Establish Justice
  2. Right to Welfare and Adequate Standard of Living
  3. Right to Work with Dignity
  4. Right to Health and Healthy Environment
  5. Reprioritizing our Defense Resources

A list of worker’s rights under demand #3 above include the fight for $15 minimum wage.

If enough members commit to attending this March, we will carry our AFT2121 Banner in Washington DC. Website:

Contact Susana Atwood for more information and to plan your trip to DC this summer.

Labor Notes Conference Fundraiser

If you don’t know about Labor Notes, check them out! Organizing, training, publications, and connections between working folks all over the country. With organizing on the rise nationally, this is the time to get tapped in.

The next Labor Notes National Conference will be June 17-19, in Chicago. (Details here.) Locally, they are holding a fundraiser for scholarships so that local activists and organizers can attend the conference.

Labor Notes Conference Scholarship Fundraiser
May 7, 6pm-11pm
The Omni Commons: 4799 Shattuck Ave., Oakland
$5 – $35 sliding scale, covers dinner (no one turned away for lack of funds)
Proof of vaccination or recent negative test will be required for entry

NO on AB 1705

California’s community college students should have the right to take remedial courses if they choose. Unfortunately AB 1705, which is currently being considered by the California Legislature, could result in a significant decrease in remedial math and English course offerings, limiting options and opportunities for our students.

Urge members of the Assembly Higher Education Committee to VOTE NO on AB 1705

The bill limits the ability of students to select the courses that align with their academic goals, restricts the information counselors can share with students regarding remedial courses, and creates new barriers for students in programs that don’t currently require transfer level math or English for completion.

AB 1705 is simply not the right approach for improving student outcomes and could result in severe negative impacts for students who need these resources the most.

Please send a letter to the Assembly Higher Education Committee today urging them to VOTE NO on AB 1705.

USF Ratifies a New Contract!

Thanks to months of organizing, and the support of students, faculty members and librarians, staff, alums, and community members, PTFA has a new contract.
This week, PTFA members voted to approve an agreement that, while not perfect, will do the following:
  • Provide guaranteed raises for the next two years
  • Improve access to the Preferred Hiring Pool, USF’s seniority system for part-time faculty
  • Reduce health care costs for members
  • Increase minimum pay for non-teaching assignments, like work in the Writing Center

None of this would have been possible without solidarity!

With deep gratitude,
Officers and members of the USF Part Time Faculty Association
Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595