Strike Authorization Commitment Card Deadline Extended–Sign Now!

The deadline for your Strike Authorization Commitment cards is being extended in order to ensure you have a powerful majority of faculty committed to authorizing a strike when a strike vote occurs. These Strike Authorization Commitment cards are part of a process of developing a credible strike threat, which is central to your union’s long-term plan to fight downsizing and win full funding for your college. 

Hundreds of currently assigned faculty have already committed to vote to authorize a 1-day Unfair Practice Labor strike. There is clearly an appetite for authorizing a strike, but you need to keep talking to your colleagues. Your new goal is to ensure a powerful majority of faculty have signed on by next week.

The Trustees will  be voting sometime in the first two weeks of May on whether to finalize layoffs and cuts. That means right now is an essential moment for you to show them that faculty stand absolutely united in defense of our working conditions, our students, and our college.

Last May, CCSF administrators committed to negotiate with you over restoring your salary this year should the college receive new money. The District has received new revenue, but it has refused to bargain in good faith over increasing your salary.

The District has failed to act in good faith over restoring your salary (see strike card FAQ), supporting your revenue efforts, or defending your college. Now is the time to come together and fight back.

Take Action

  1. Sign your Strike Authorization Commitment Cards now to send a message of unity & resolve to CCSF’s Trustees. The District needs to begin acting in good faith. Talk to your precinct rep or email for more information on signing your card. And see an FAQ on this action here.

  2. RSVP now to be part of the ‘CCSF is the Heartbeat of San Francisco’ contingent at SF Labor Council’s May Day March down Market St Sunday, May 1st:

Share with your students and friends this Petition to the Trustees calling on them to reject layoffs & cuts before May 15:

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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