Important Updates on the Fight Against Layoffs & Cuts

Layoffs and Cuts

The District is still saying they will implement layoffs, but community pressure is building. We have opportunities to tell the BOT to rescind these layoffs. CFT is standing with us, providing us with organizing resources, legal support, and financial assistance.

Strike Authorization Commitment Card
The District committed last May to retroactively increase your salary should it receive new revenue this year. It has received new revenue, but it has refused to bargain in good faith. Your union is responding with Strike Authorization Commitment Cards. These cards are in preparation for a potential strike vote in which AFT 2121 members would decide whether to authorize a 1-day Unfair Labor Practice strike to demand the District bargain in good faith. Talk to your precinct rep or email for more information on signing your card. And see an FAQ on this action here.

Community Petition
Tell the Trustees that our community says no to downsizing! Sign and share a petition asking the trustees to show true leadership and refuse to enact these unnecessary layoffs. Please share with colleagues, students, and friends.

AFT Alternative Budget
AFT has an updated, more accessible alternative budget that incorporates new numbers from the district’s audit and current year spending. AFT’s budget makes necessary adjustments to prioritize student learning and ensure financial integrity. Budgets should not be manipulated to justify external agendas (e.g. downsizing). AFT’s budget includes a comparison with Chancellor Martin’s projections and budgets, along with an explanation of some of the issues in both.

AFT Alternative Budget: review & share widely.

April 13, 1:30-3:00: Budget Discussion & ESL Rally
AFT 2121’s budget team will publicly challenge CCSF’s administration to explain and account for their budget, and their choice to issue layoffs in a time of budget surplus. Register here.

In addition, from 12:30-1:30pm, CCSF English as a Second Language department faculty and students will hold an action in front of the Chinatown North Beach campus (corner of Kearney and Washington) to let students, faculty, and CCSF allies share their voices over the outrage of these layoffs and the unrest it will create for student’s lives.

April 18-21 and April 26: Layoff Appeal Hearing
A hearing on individual layoff cases held by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Faculty who received pink slips will be invited to the Zoom webinar. The public is welcome to observe the hearing on YouTube. (Links to come.)

The hearing is an important tool to get some of the notices rescinded. But the law is mostly concerned with the small-scale issues of seniority and FSAs. It doesn’t recognize our most important arguments – that layoffs will damage our programs, our school, our students, and our community. That action happens with the BOT.

April 21: BOT Meeting
The BOT could rescind layoffs as early as 4/21, but they won’t have the judge’s decision at that point. They’re likely to call a special meeting instead. Either way, the 4/21 meeting would be a good time to make public comment.

More information: Please see our FAQ on the pink slip process for details and updates.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595