Take action now! CCSF Board of Trustees authorize potential Pink Slips

The Board of Trustees have voted to authorize issuing pink slips to 50 tenured and tenure-track faculty (press release here), despite millions in federal and state relief, and work underway for long-term local support. These layoffs will also necessitate denying assignments for all part-time faculty in targeted departments and a further erosion of educational opportunity for CCSF’s majority student of color population.

As educators, we know what is at stake. The administration’s proposed layoffs will close classroom doors to hundreds of fully-enrolled courses, impacting thousands of students and perpetuating an era of crisis at CCSF.

Take Action!
It’s clear trustees listen more when elected and community leaders are paying attention.

Your union is launching a Faculty, Student, and Community CCSF Story Campaign to engage and expand our community and place public political pressure on the Trustees to rescind these layoff notices and stand up for your college. Participants will record their City College story and share how layoffs and downsizing erodes public education. Your union will ask Supervisors, community/labor leaders, and other public figures to publicly challenge Trustees to respond to your video story. This campaign will culminate with a mass Heartbeat of San Francisco March down Market St. in early May. We need to continue building our power and educating each other, while also broadcasting this message loud and clear to all of San Francisco.

Trustees have until May 15 to rescind these layoff notices, so take action now:

  1. Record a 60 second video & answer this question:
    City College serves the most underserved in our community, and because of the pandemic and all of the changes in our city, they are suffering now more than ever. Why does SF need CCSF now more than ever?

  2. End your video with this statement:
    I’m Marching in May because I am the heartbeat of City College/We are all the heartbeat of City College.

  3. If you’re a faculty member upload your video HERE

  4. If you’re a student or community member upload your video HERE
Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595