Help David Campos win| COVID updates | DA | Financial Planning

READ THIS if you’re assigned in person

The COVID crisis continues. As of this writing, CCSF plans to continue in-person classes and services as scheduled. But things could change quickly.

On Monday, David Martin discussed this with AFT, SEIU, DCC, and both Senates. He told us that he is open to individual faculty making the choice to work remotely. Some classes have already chosen to shift to remote for the first two weeks.

➜ If you want to shift your assignment from in-person to remote, temporarily or longer-term, talk to your chair ASAP.

David also told us that CCSF will not have building monitors assigned until at least February. In the meantime, there is no plan to ensure that people on campus are vaccinated. Without monitors in place, non-credit and student services will never be fully vaccinated environments. Credit instruction might be — assuming no one ever tries to add a class, brings their kid, comes to office hours, wanders into the wrong room by accident, or simply walks into the building to use the bathroom.

Faculty are not required to check the vaccination status of students or let students into the building. It is not appropriate for us to disrupt our classes, or to ask students for medical information. The District signed an agreement saying they would pay workers to do that. To state the obvious, a boss should not expect employees to work for free. If you are forced to serve as building monitor without pay, or to interrupt your work for this, tell your precinct rep.

In addition, the District has laid off custodians. It is not clear which buildings will have enough staff for even normal cleaning, let alone the high cleaning standards needed for COVID safety.

In some places, in-person classes and services will be safe and well-planned. In other places there may be serious problems. If you work in person, please think about how to keep yourself, your students, and your colleagues safe.

(1/12 & 1/22) It’s up to you: Your endorsed candidate David Campos needs your help to win!

David Campos, our endorsed candidate for assemblymember and a strong ally to your Union and our college, needs your help to win!

Remote Phone Bank with AFT 2121 and Local 2!

Wednesday, 1/12, 5-8pm

To register, follow this link (link here) and look for Jan 12th in the drop down menu.

Lit Drop in the Excelsior with AFT 2121 and President Norman Yee!

Saturday, 1/22, 12-4pm
Location: Excelsior Playground btw Madrid and Russia St.

Have questions or need more info? Contact AFT 2121 Political Director:

Classified Layoffs; SEIU Responds

Last week, we reported that Chancellor David Martin and the Trustees had chosen to lay off classified staff, even though there was no budget mandate for layoffs. We thought the “final” number of layoffs was 42 but now know the final number hasn’t been determined yet. The CCSF and Civil Service bumping processes are ongoing, and administration actually added names to the layoff list since the original list of 67 was sent out last semester. The situation is incredibly stressful for our classified colleagues. Here is a 1/7/22 statement from the Northern California SEIU.

On January 3, David Martin sent a message to the whole college community about these layoffs. In his message, he admits that he chose layoffs when he had other options. Athena Steff, president of the CCSF Chapter of SEIU, wrote a letter in response. She would like faculty to have the opportunity to read her reply to Chancellor Martin’s letter about SEIU layoffs.

(1/25) Delegate Assembly

The first DA meeting of Spring Semester will be Tuesday, 1/25/22, at 3pm.

Two delegates have proposed a discussion and vote on an addition to our AFT 2121 Constitution. Such an item must be sent out two weeks before the meeting, so although a full agenda for that meeting has not yet been developed we want to make sure members have a chance to see this item now.. If the DA passes it, it would then move on to consideration by our whole membership in our Spring elections.

The proposal reads as follows:

Article XIII Committees  

Section 1. There shall be the following Special Committees of the Union: Grievance, Budget and Membership. Members of these committees and any other committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board, with the exception of the Election Committee, the Full-timer Committee, and the Part-timer Committee.

Section 4. There shall be a standing Full-timer Committee. Membership is open to any Union members in good standing.

You can find the full AFT 2121 Constitution and Bylaws here

(1/13) Financial Planning Day

The Retiree Chapter of AFT 2121 will be hosting its 13th annual Financial Planning Day virtually this year! The event is open to all CCSF union members. Newer AFT 2121 members are encouraged to attend.

For questions about disability accommodations in place contact

If you are CCSF faculty but not yet an AFT 2121 member and would like to attend you can fill out the AFT 2121 membership form.  

The AFT 2121 Retiree Chapter needs volunteers to help with breakout groups during the zoom event. If you are interested in volunteering to be a co-host and helping with technical zoom questions for one of the panel breakout rooms please email

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595