CCSF budget outlook improves, sign petition to Chancellor Martin

Dear Members,

Despite extraordinary challenges in securing cooperation from VC al-Amin, your union has been tracking the District’s finances and state finances to analyze the District’s current financial position.

Attached you will find a preliminary estimate for the 2022/23 fiscal year (link is here). While these estimates are evolving, the District’s financial position has changed materially from what VC al-Amin has asserted. If the District acts responsibly and state conditions continue to look favorable, we expect the District to close FY23 with fully funded reserves and a surplus.

We recognize that this is not the end of the story. The end of hold harmless in 2023/24 and declining enrollments pose long-term threats to the District’s financial health. In response, an unprecedented coalition of CCSF administrators, SF Building Trades (Building Trades (SFBCTCU), Stationary Engineers (IUOE local 39), Classified Staff (SEIU 1021), and Faculty (AFT 2121) have come together to form the CCSF Revenue Unity Coalition to win the long-term local funding that the District needs to sustainably meet the needs of San Francisco.

Take action now to support this effort by signing your union’s Petition to Chancellor Martin (link is here). Chancellor Martin is undoubtedly under pressure to continue the downsizing of CCSF–that’s a fact. To ensure he stands with our students, our city, and the CCSF Revenue Unity Coalition, you need to sign this petition and encourage all of your colleagues to do the same:

It’s time to make this clear–we as a faculty stand absolutely united behind the effort to protect and grow City College.

In Unity,


Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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