Bargaining Update | Phonebank for the Chancellor Petition

Vaccine Mandate & Bargaining Update

Beginning Spring 2022, all faculty members with assignments must submit proof of vaccination or request an exemption.

• Applies to all assignments, remote and in-person
• Faculty who fail to submit proof of vaccination / exemption at least ten working days before the start of their assignment will be placed on unpaid leave.
• Unpaid leave may extend until the end of Spring semester or until they meet the requirement.
• During the unpaid leave, the District will assist faculty members to meet the requirement.
• Faculty members who willfully fail to comply by the end of Spring 2022 semester may be terminated.

Your bargaining team made the following video to tell you more about this agreement: We recommend uploading your information now to avoid problems with Spring assignments.

We hope to open up more classrooms, more offices, and more services. Many of us are looking forward to the time when CCSF is a fully-vaccinated school. Reporting your information will move us closer to that time.

Here’s a reminder from the SF Gay Men’s Chorus:

Your bargaining team was hard at work the day before Thanksgiving. In addition to the agreement on vaccine enforcement, we also moved closer to an agreement with administration to provide more COVID testing on campus. For more about COVID Impacts Bargaining, see your team’s summary of agreements.

Next sessions:

COVID Impacts Bargaining
Thursday, 12/9, 10 am – 12 pm

AFT 2121 members may register here:

Your unique registration link can be used for all bargaining sessions this semester – no need to re-register each time.

Yes, I’m ready to make calls to my colleagues about joining the petition to Chancellor Martin!

Just over 120 faculty members have signed your Photo Petition to the Chancellor, which is great, but we need 700 to successfully influence him. We need the Chancellor to show he believes in City College, commit to greater administrative accountability, and write an Op-Ed in the SF Chronicle on the value of City College. But to do that, we need to show our full power, and that means you.

Talking to your colleagues in 1 on 1 conversations is essential to building your power so that all of us, together, can fight pay cuts and layoffs and grow back our college. RSVP here for this Tues (11/30) 3-5pm, Weds (12/1) 10am-4pm, or Thurs (12/2) 5-7pm:

Once you sign up, we’ll send you a link, and on the day of, you’ll join your colleagues on Zoom to review the goal of your conversations, answer any questions, and then get calling, while using the Zoom chat to support each other and answer any further questions.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595