Return to Campus Clarification | Giants Concession Worker Strike Vote | NO Recall

Return-to-Campus Clarification

Our Tuesday morning began with a flood of questions, worry, and outright panic about return-to-campus plans. We received a confusing message from Interim Chancellor Dianna Gonzales, which left many with the impression that we would be required to return to campus this semester.

AFT 2121 inquired with the chancellor to get a clarification. We were told that classes will continue as currently scheduled, and nothing currently planned to be remote or online will be moved to in-person in Fall 2021. Typical of CCSF communication, the chancellor’s message basically boiled down to: Administration is working on return-to-campus plans, stay tuned to find out more later. There was no new information or any change in policy. Fall 2021 will remain as currently scheduled. Administration hopes to bring more classes and programs back in person in Spring 2021, but much of the college will still remain remote.

Chancellor Gonzales told us that the intent of the message was to encourage people to be ready to prove their vaccination status or show a reason for an exemption. There is currently no way to submit that information, but administration says they will have it in place by October 1.

We would have thought administration would want to send a clarifying message, but they refused. Instead, they will update the CCSF COVID-19 page. Since many people in our campus community will never see that page, please pass on this clarification to any colleagues or students you know who are worried about the chancellor’s message.

SF Giants’ Concessions Workers Vote to Approve Strike

Concessions workers at Oracle Park, represented by Unite Here Local 2, have voted overwhelmingly to approve a strike. The strike vote on Saturday had an 86% turnout, with 96.7% of those voting saying yes.

At least 20 Giants concession workers have contracted COVID-19 since the start of the season in April. The workers have been negotiating for improved safety measures with the Giants’ food service contractor Bon Appétit, but the negotiations have stalled. The workers are fighting for better workplace safety as well as hazard pay and medical insurance. Concessions workers haven’t had a raise in 3 years, and many have lost insurance during the pandemic.

There is no strike date set as of this writing. Local 2 represents around 930 concessions workers who are ready to walk off the job, and many other ballpark workers — and fans — will honor their picket lines.

Here’s an article by Marc Delucchi with more on this story: SF Giants force strike vote by refusing to help concession workers

NO recall

The Recall Race for the Governor is close. Many of you are already stepping up to stop the Republican-funded, anti-union effort to recall Governor Newsom. If successful this could roll back progress in every conceivable area: public education, labor rights, minimum wage, criminal justice, climate justice, and more.

Please do all you can to get on the phonebanks and join precinct walks! Phone banks run Wednesday and Thursday this week. Precinct Walks on September 11 as well as on Election Day September 14. Walks will begin at 10 am. Location information will be sent out as it is planned.  
Sign up HERE.

So much is at stake. Don’t delay. We have to get those ballots in the mail.  

Please contact Kim Tavaglione with any questions at or (415)740-4461.

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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