Evans Update | Join an AFT Team! | NO Recall Phone Banking

College appears ready to move AMT program to Evans

Last year, CCSF lost the lease on the Airport Campus and did not find an alternative site. Plans to move the program to the Evans Campus were wholly inadequate. The District failed to consult with the community around the Evans Campus. They failed to address noise, air quality, pollution from aircraft fuel, and the needs of other programs at the Evans Campus.

At the same time, our students are suffering. Around 75 AMT students have been left out in the cold since the program was halted in March 2020.

CCSF has now published a study that claims that although the original plan “could have significant effect on the environment”, the revised plan mitigates these issues “to a less than significant level.”

We’d like to believe them. But since we haven’t seen the revised plan, we don’t know. This study comes along with a “mitigation monitoring” document, which addresses only two issues: potential disruption to migrating wildlife, and the construction noise of setting up the AMT program. There is no mention of how the ongoing AMT program would impact other Evans Campus programs or the neighboring community. At the Evans Campus forum on 9/1, we asked about the revised plans and what other mitigation they had in mind. The District said that if we knew of anything else requiring mitigation, they would like to hear about it by email. The public has until 9/22/21 to comment on the study.

We need to do right by our students. We need to protect the AMT program that serves working-class San Francisco. But that requires transparency and community input.

Here are the details:

        •Initial Study

        •Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program

        •Email your public comment to: facilities@ccsf.edu by 5:00 pm on      9/22/21

        •The Evans Forums page has all these links and more.


Step up and join one of your teams!

— Return to Campus

Concerned about the health and safety of our college community? Would you like to resolve a return to campus issue that affects you, your students, or your department? You can effect change when you join the AFT 2121 Return to Campus Team–email Rhea Dellimore at rheadellmail@yahoo.com.

Finance and Budget Committee

The Finance and Budget Committee is a place where you can get more involved in your Union’s finances. This standing committee needs your input and participation!

Our first meeting this semester will be next Tuesday, September 7, at 11am. Join us on Zoom. At that meeting we will discuss timing for future meetings. Our committee is for union internal finances, not the DIstrict budget. All members are welcome, regardless of your familiarity with budgets or finances – we value all perspectives!

Can’t make it but still interested? Just reach out to committee chair Erik Greenfrost (erikgreen428@gmail.com) or Treasurer Yvonne Whitelaw (ywhitelaw@aft2121.org).

Communications Team

Want to help shape and broadcast the message (#CCSFintheCity) of your union and your college to the broader community? Your communications team has helped organize everything from press conferences to targeted social media campaigns (see an example here!). This year, we’re going to continue looking for new ways to make sure our City and its leaders hear about the value of our students and our college. Join us!

Email Dayna Holz if you’re interested in joining at dholz@aft2121.org . We’re currently setting a new time for our meetings this semester so this is the perfect time to come on board.


NO recall

The Recall Race for the Governor is close. Many of you are already stepping up to stop the Republican-funded, anti-union effort to recall Governor Newsom. If successful this could roll back progress in every conceivable area: public education, labor rights, minimum wage, criminal justice, climate justice, and more.

Please do all you can to get on the phonebanks and join precinct walks! Phone banks run Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Precinct Walks on Saturdays: September 4, and September 11, as well as on Election Day: September 14. Walks will begin at 10 am. Location information will be sent out as it is planned.  
Sign up HERE.

So much is at stake. Don’t delay. We have to get those ballots in the mail.  

Please contact Kim Tavaglione with any questions at kim@sflaborcouncil.org or (415)740-4461.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595