Comment on Evans| Parking enforcement begins | Rental assistance | COPE & DA

Comment on Evans Campus Study by 9/30

On 9/14, we reported that CCSF appears to be getting ready to move the AMT program to the Evans Campus. College administration must do right by the AMT students who have been left out in the cold for a year and half now, but we have serious concerns about the lack of community input, potential toxins and noise pollution, and the potential for disruption of other Evans Campus programs.

The District has posted an initial study and “mitigation monitoring” document about environmental impacts. It addresses only impacts of the move itself. There is no mention of how the ongoing AMT classes would impact other Evans Campus programs or the neighboring community. At the Evans Campus forum on 9/1, the District said that if we knew of anything else requiring mitigation, they would like to hear about it by email. The public has until 9/30/21 to comment on the study.

Here are the details:

        •Initial Study

        •Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program

        •Email your public comment to: by 5:00 pm on 9/22/21

        •The Evans Forums page has all these links and more.

Campus Parking Enforcement Begins 9/27

Parking enforcement on campus has been on hold, but will start again on September 27. They will issue citations for invalid or missing permits. You can apply for a permit here. You can print a temporary permit to use until your official permit arrives in the mail. You should have received detailed instructions in your email, and information is also posted on the college website.

Rental Assistance in SF

COVID rental assistance is available in San Francisco through the Mayor’s Office on Housing and Community Development. Complete details:

Some highlights:

• Assistance can last up to 18 months and can cover rent and utilities.
• Applicants must have had a reduction in income or other financial hardship or qualified for unemployment, and be able to demonstrate a risk of homelessness or housing instability.
• Landlords, tenants, and subtenants can all apply.

Reminder: COPE and DA this Tuesday, Sept 21, (2-5pm)

Committee on Political Education, Tuesday, 9/21, from 2-3pm

This month, COPE will be held 2-3pm (normal time) with no endorsement vote. David Campos (whom we have endorsed several times, most recently for his current role as Vice Chair of the California Democratic party) will be coming to discuss his plans to run for Assemblymember in the event of a vacancy in AD 17. Campos will also be discussing the vision for public higher ed at the state level. This is a chance for our members to have facetime with the second of two of our previously endorsed candidates who intend to run for assemblymember in AD 17.

A reminder also that your Delegate Assembly meets Tuesday, 9/21, from 3-5pmDA AGENDA & DRAFT MINUTES

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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