Your paycheck | DA/COPE | AMT/Evans Campus | NO recall

Your paycheck this week

In May, you and the majority of your colleagues came together to support a one-year agreement, accepting temporary salary concessions in order to save our students and our college from devastating cuts. And even though we all knew a pay reduction was coming, it’s painful to see.

Why did we make this sacrifice? Over 60% of CCSF’s faculty were facing layoff: 163 FT faculty received pink slips notices, and over 500 PT faculty were at risk of losing their jobs. This included more than 40% of Black faculty members. The cuts would have robbed tens of thousands of students of education. These cuts are temporary and progressive, and we’ve accepted them to save courses, jobs, and our bargaining power.

Check your check by consulting the temporary payscales. You can also check your personal percentage reduction on the last two tabs of this calculator. One tab is for faculty who received a step increase this semester, the other tab is for faculty who did not. See details of the agreement, FAQ, and a link to the full agreement here. One common misperception is that full-timers took a larger percentage cut than part-timers. This is not the case. A part-timer and a full-timer at the same step and column received the same percentage reduction. If you do find a mistake on your paycheck, please report it on this form, which reports to the CCSF payroll department and to AFT.

This painful agreement is a stop-gap measure. It gives you and your coworkers time to create the political momentum needed to move decisionmakers external to our college who have the power to address the chronic under-funding of CCSF.  AFT and SEIU are meeting regularly with the District on strategies to secure City funding.

We also won the right to go back to the table over new funding. There is some new money that could help us, although it’s not as much as we need. We’ve asked to begin negotiations but the District has not settled on a date yet. You can find more detail about the new state and local funding on our July 14th post.

Take action:

(Tomorrow, 8/31) DA and COPE

All AFT 2121 members are invited to participate in the first Delegate Assembly and COPE meetings of the semester, Tuesday, August 31.

  • COPE, 1:30-3pm
    We will be having discussion and Q&A with Supervisor Matt Haney, chair of the BOS Budget & Finance committee and candidate for potential upcoming vacancy for Assemblymember in District 17. Come discuss what we need from a champion in the state assembly and ask questions about the recent budget process and support for CCSF. We will also be discussing ways to get out the ‘NO’ vote for the September 14th governor’s recall vote.

To attend these meetings follow this link from your computer or smartphone OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #810 1671 8065 and password: 783119.

(Wed. 9/1) AMT Program and the Evans Campus

Last year, the CCSF Aircraft Maintenance Program was abruptly ceased. The program has not been officially cancelled. But COVID stopped the in-person classes, and the program never held online or remote classes. CCSF lost the lease on the Airport Campus and never found an alternative site. There were plans to move the program to the Evans Campus, but those plans were inadequate and frankly unworkable. There was no noise mitigation, no environmental impact report, and no consultation with the neighboring community. They didn’t even account for the needs of the other programs at Evans. The college faced public outcry, and was forced to put the plans on hold.

In the meantime, students in the AMT program were left in the lurch. Administration says they attempted to arrange for transfer credit to other Bay Area colleges, but nothing was ever worked out. There were about 75 students in the program in March 2020, some close to graduating.

The college has finally completed an initial study on the proposed move to the Evans Campus. The study is long and will need careful examination. The “determination” of the study (page 25) is that although the project “could have significant effect on the environment”, the revised plan mitigates these issues “to a less than significant level”. We do not know what the mitigation plans are.

The Evans Campus Dean, Torrance Bynum, announced that there will be an Evans Campus Forum at 1 pm on Wednesday, September 1. Details and zoom link are on the Evans Forums page. Please attend the forum to give public comment.

NO recall

The Recall Race for the Governor is close. Many of you are already stepping up to stop the Republican-funded, anti-union effort to recall Governor Newsom. If successful this could roll back progress in every conceivable area: public education, labor rights, minimum wage, criminal justice, climate justice, and more.

Please do all you can to get on the phonebanks and join precinct walks! Phone banks run Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Precinct Walks on Saturdays: September 4, and September 11, as well as on Election Day: September 14. Walks will begin at 10 am. Location information will be sent out as it is planned.  

Sign up HERE.

So much is at stake. Don’t delay. We have to get those ballots in the mail.  

Please contact Kim Tavaglione with any questions at or (415)740-4461.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595