Report safety issues | NO on Newsom recall | Parking permits

Updates from your Return to Campus Team

AFT 2121 is committed to ensuring that our college’s return to campus is a safe one. If you are working in-person and you find unsafe conditions in your building or workspace, please use the following form to document the issue. Your union will not share your name or personal information publicly, but will use the information anonymously in our advocacy. Working together as a faculty is how we can ensure a safe return for our students, community, and colleagues.

Here’s the form to report safety problems:

We also urge all faculty to be proactive in ensuring that your department’s safety plan for this semester or next accounts for the many different aspects of ensuring a safe return. A member of your Return to Campus Team, Rhea Dellimore, has developed the following questions (see full document here or abbreviated questions below) to ask of any plan in your department, whether already published or in the preliminary stages of development for January.

Does your department have Written Protocols/Policies for:

  • What to do with Personal Items (water bottles, phones, etc.)

  • Eating/Drinking

  • Use of phones

  • Distancing

  • Masks (type, proper usage, who provides, how many per person)

  • Symptom Checks

  • Testing

  • Suspected/Confirmed COVID case

  • Contact Tracing 

  • Suspected exposure

To provide feedback on a published plan in your department (see safety plans here), please contact your precinct rep and/or register your concerns using the following Safety Rubric also developed by your Return to Campus team.

For continuing updates, see our Return to Campus page.

Defend public education- vote NO on the recall

There is a Republican-funded, anti-union effort to recall Governor Newsom. If successful, it’s possible that this could shift the national balance of power between Democrats and Republicans in favor of the Republican side.

Recent polling for the California recall election shows a virtual tie between yes and no voters. Turning out to vote “No on the Recall” is absolutely critical to ensure we don’t roll back progress in every conceivable area: public education, labor rights, minimum wage, criminal justice, climate justice, and the list goes on and on.  

The election is on September 14 and ballots will be mailed to all registered voters on August 16. The California Labor Federation will be holding statewide phone banks to union members every Tuesday and Thursday, and our state affiliate, the California Federation of Teachers, has adopted August 24 and August 26. Please plan to join us on one or both of those phone bank nights.

This recall election is a direct attack on our values. Vote “No on the Recall.

Update from the CCSF parking permit site

Parking Permits are about to expire. However, Please keep parking with the current pass. There will be no citing if your vehicle is properly parked in the designated areas for Faculty and Staff. Once the New Parking Permits are available you will be notified. More info:

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595