Draft budget unacceptable | No recall | PERS settlement

Draft budget unacceptable

At Thursday’s BOT meeting, administration came forward with a draft budget for 2021-2022. Following the same script as in previous years, administration told the BOT that the way to close that deficit is to cut classes.

Tom Boegel presented an excel spreadsheet, which he called an interactive tool to look at budget options. The BOT received it enthusiastically, even proposing that it be made public so more people could look at options and “give input”. The so-called tool gets some things wrong, for instance inflating the cost of PT faculty by assuming that we all work at full 67% load. But there’s a bigger problem. The only options this tool can adjust are the numbers and type of classes, and faculty non-instructional assignments. This spreadsheet gives a veneer of participation and serious consideration, while holding to the same old strategy that the only possible path forward is to reduce the cost of faculty.

Faculty voted for wage concessions to keep our college open. We have already taken care of our share of this year’s budget deficit. We’re moving forward with strategies to bring in more revenue. AFT and SEIU are meeting regularly with the District on strategies to secure City funding.

Later in Thursday’s meeting, BOT members spoke enthusiastically about the idea of expanding workforce development programs at CCSF. They showed that on some level, they understand that classes and students services are necessary for CCSF to serve our community. Now they need to show it in their planning and budgeting.

This draft budget is simply unacceptable. We urge the BOT to reject it.

PERS long-term care insurance settlement

CFT has an important message for​ CFT members and retirees who purchased long-term care (“LTC”) insurance with inflation protection from CalPERS and were affected by the increase in premium rates in 2015 and 2016. There is a class action settlement that affects you. More info…

NO recall

The Recall Race for the Governor is close. Many of you are already stepping up to defend education at the NO recall phone banks!

The Republican-funded, anti-union effort to recall Governor Newsom could shift the national balance of power between Democrats and Republicans in favor of the Republican side. This could roll back progress in every conceivable area: public education, labor rights, minimum wage, criminal justice, climate justice, and more.

Please do all you can to get on the phonebanks and join precinct walks! Starting this week, phone banks will run Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Precinct Walks on Saturdays: August 28, September 4, and September 11, as well as on Election Day: September 14. Walks will begin at 10 am. Location information will be sent out as it is planned.  

Sign up HERE.

So much is at stake. Don’t delay. We have to get those ballots in the mail.  

Please contact Kim Tavaglione with any questions at kim@sflaborcouncil.org or (415)740-4461.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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