Chancellor search | CCSF outreach and registration

Chancellor search

The search committee, with members from all college constituents, has selected three finalists. The committee’s work is now done. The BOT will make its final selection at their 9/23 meeting.

But now, you’ve probably received invitations in your email for this week’s chancellor candidate forums. The forums are this week, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The schedule, zoom link to the open forum, and bios of the three finalists are all posted on the college chancellor search website.

We will not be able to speak at the forums. HR will present candidates with the questions that constituents submitted. On the faculty side, the Academic Senate was tasked with submitting questions. Academic Senate posted a list of all the questions they received, but the administration only permitted each constituent group to submit seven questions to the forum itself.

The chancellor search website says, “A feedback survey will be sent to Forum attendees and forwarded to the Board of Trustees.”

One of these three people will be our next chancellor. Come hear the candidates, and give the BOT your feedback!

CCSF outreach and registration

In-person registration is happening this week! See times and locations here.

Faculty volunteers have been distributing CCSF postcards to get the word out. So far, folks have gone to the Sunset, Inner Richmond (Clement Street), Outer Richmond, Chinatown, and the Fillmore. There are still more CCSF postcards, and your colleagues need help distributing them to our SF communities. If you can take a pack of postcards and hit the streets, now is the time! Please contact Fanny Lau ( for postcard pickup in the Sunset or Kit Dai (​) for pickup at the Chinatown Campus. Also please let Fanny know where you will take the postcards so we don’t overlap.

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