Your paycheck this week, saving jobs and classes

Dear Members,

Today, many faculty received their first paychecks that reflect the realities of the temporary concessions, with between 4% and 11% less pay than last year. As a faculty union, we overwhelmingly came together to support a one-year agreement with the district in May, accepting temporary salary concessions in order to save our students and our college from devastating cuts. 

Why did we make these sacrifices? Over 60% of CCSF’s faculty were facing layoff last spring: 163 FT faculty received pink slips notices, and over 500 PT faculty were at risk of losing their jobs. This included more than 40% of Black faculty members. The cuts would have robbed tens of thousands of students of the educational opportunities they depend on. 

How can I check my check? Use this calculator to see the impact of this agreement on your salary, and be sure to look at the multiple tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet. These cuts are temporary and progressive, and we’ve accepted them to save courses, jobs, and frankly our bargaining power for this year’s contract negotiations. See details of the agreement, answers to frequently answered questions, and a link to the full agreement here

The painful agreement we reached in May is a stop-gap measure. It gives us some time to build better long-term solutions to the chronic under-funding of our college. San Franciscans have already recognized and addressed this problem for our K-12 schools, ensuring with The Public Education Enrichment Fund (PEEF) that SF’s general fund helps fill the gap between what the State provides and our City needs. 

It is time for our City to make the same sort of investment in CCSF. We’re fighting to win the short, medium, and long term funding our college and San Francisco deserve. 

Fired up? We invite you, right now, to record a 60 second video on why you love your students and why they deserve local support (answer question 4 here). Help us document our College in its City with our growing #CCSFintheCity mapping project. And, of course, stay tuned for next moves to build enrollment, fight for funding, and sustain our college—together! 

In unity,

Team 2121

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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