URGENT: BOT meets today on Interim Chancellor | COPE vote on Boudin recall | More…

(URGENT, 6/22 @4pm) Special Board of Trustee Meeting on Chancellor Search

Urgent Call to Action: A Special BOT Meeting to appoint an Interim Chancellor will be held at 4:00 pm today Tuesday, 6/22 (no résumés posted yet).

We have sacrificed to save our classes and our college for the sake of our students and our community. It is imperative that our Trustees honor this commitment by selecting an interim Chancellor who shares our commitment to protecting and growing our college. So we encourage everyone to attend the meeting at 4pm today and to share your thoughts on why our Trustees need to select a new kind of Chancellor, one who will lead the fight for growing CCSF.

Zoom: https://ccsf-edu.zoom.us/s/95092459049

Phone Number: 415 762 9988 or 669 900 6833 ID: 9509 2459 049

Requests to make public comment must be submitted by 3:30pm to publiccomment@ccsf.edu or via phone to: 669.444.1266. Include name, meeting name & date, agenda item number, and phone number if participating by phone.

AFT 2121 Chancellor Search Series: https://twitter.com/AFT2121

(Thurs. 6/24 @ 9am) Special COPE vote on opposing Chesa Boudin Recall

Your union is hosting a special COPE meeting for AFT 2121 members on Thursday 6/24 at 9:00 am and will be taking a vote on whether to oppose the recall of Chesa Boudin as District Attorney.

To attend go to this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87551341568?pwd=bEQwSjVJYVg0S0puRGh0UzR0QkNIZz09 or dial 669-900-6833 and enter the passcode 566388.

(Fri. 6/25, 10am & all day) Board of Supervisors City Budget Meeting

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors need to hear from you this Friday about why they should include CCSF in the budget for the coming year and find a sustainable long-term solution to CCSF’s ongoing budget crisis. CCSF is a majority student of color pillar of San Francisco, and just like our K-12 systems, it is under-funded and needs local support. With our one-year salary agreement, we have sacrificed to give our City’s leaders a year to find a long term funding solution for our community, and now we need them to step up and support CCSF.  

Because sharing public comments in Board of Supervisors meetings is onerous, we encourage you to submit a 1 minute video by Thursday at 3pm (share your story here). Fellow faculty leaders will share your video with the Board on Friday. Record your story by clicking on the plus sign under question 1 here: https://hope.xyz/ccsf

The hard truth is there will continue to be a serious gap between what the state is willing to provide and what San Francisco’s residents need. From accessible programs in Registered Nursing & Computer Networking to ESL & Dance, San Franciscans count on City College, and City College needs local support to meet this local demand.  

When it comes to our K-12 schools, San Francisco’s voters and leaders have recognized and addressed the problem of under-funding from the state. The Public Education Enrichment Fund (PEEF), established in 2004 and extended in 2014, ensures that San Francisco’s general fund be used to fill in the gap between what the State provides and our City needs.

It is time for San Francisco to make the same sort of investment in its Community College. Without it, City College will continue to move from crisis to crisis and ultimately fail to meet the needs of San Franciscans. We can’t let that happen.  

Take Action

  • By Thurs. 6/24 @ 3pm: Record a 1 minute video to provide testimony by this and it will be submitted to the City Clerk’s office to be entered into the public record: https://hope.xyz/ccsf

  • Fri. 6/25 beginning at 10am & going all day

    • Join the Budget Justice Coalition watch party and spend the day with your fellow members and our allies all advocating for a just City budget on Zoom.

    • Call in individually 1 (415) 655-0001 / Meeting ID: 146 586 5393 # #

    • WATCH SF Cable Channel 26, 78 or 99 (depending on provider) or at www.sfgovtv.org

Meeting Agenda for 6/25/21

Budget Rally & Compassionate Alternative Response Team (CART) Rally

This Thursday, 6/24 at 11:30am join members of the Budget Justice Coalition on the steps of SF City Hall (Goodlett Pl Side) as we rally for a people’s budget and demand that the City divest from policing and invest in the Compassionate Alternative Response Team. (Wellness kits will be distributed during the event)

San Francisco needs a compassionate community-based street response to homelessness and a just budget that reflects the needs of the community! #BudgetJusticeRally

Facebook event page

Can’t come to the action? You can help by following these coalitions on social media:

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595