Tech reimbursement | ULP on residency rule | Labor in Pride

Tech Reimbursement – Finally!

Back in February, the District agreed to reimburse faculty for tech expenses we racked up working remotely. But implementation has been difficult and spotty. After pressure from your grievance team and from rank-and-file faculty, the District has now clarified a form and a method. 

If you applied earlier and were turned down inappropriately, reapply ASAP. If you were prevented from applying, do it now! The sooner the better, since the District is trying to close the books for the year.

Use this form. We know, the form is designed for travel reimbursement. It’s awkward, but that’s the one they want us to use. You must include a receipt. The form says it must be the “original” receipt, but that makes no sense for online purchases. Just include a receipt showing the purchase, such as a credit card receipt or a screenshot showing the amount and a confirmation it was paid.

Send it in one email message to your chair, your dean, and IT (

Our February announcement describes what expenses are eligible for reimbursement. You can also check out the agreement itself.​

Unfair Labor Practice: CCSF tries to implement invented residency rule

In April, Tom Boegel claimed that there is a state policy barring the college from assigning instructors who are physically out of state. AFT 2121 researched and found that there is no such state policy. We think the administration may have misinterpreted a policy requiring students to reside in California.

In spite of AFT 2121’s research, some administrators have moved to enforce this supposed policy, bumping faculty out of assignments. AFT first addressed it through our grievance process, but the college refused to change direction. We next filed an unfair labor practice charge, demanding that the college reverse the policy and restore assignments.

Administration has now agreed to discuss it with AFT. We expect this to be resolved soon, and adjustments will be made to the Fall schedule.

Labor in Pride

Join your union and the San Francisco Labor Council during Pride month in honoring Allan Baird, labor organizer and gay rights activist who lead the 1973 boycott of Coors Brewing which resulted in Teamsters providing hiring protections for openly gay drivers.

Meet Friday, June 25 @12pm under the large rainbow flag at Castro & Market. Walk a few blocks to hear Baird at his home where there’ll be a brief ceremony celebrating his successes and advancements in gay rights within labor.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

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Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595