COVID relief $ | Support UESF educators | Budget teach-in | Forum: Save AMT | Petition: COVID rescue plan

Federal COVID relief funding

The new Federal COVID funding, CRRSAA, will bring $16,223,115 into CCSF this year. CRRSAA is similar to last year’s CARES act, and some sources are referring to it as new CARES Act money.

Some of us have been told that the money must be spent on direct student services, but that is not accurate. There are some restrictions on the money. $3,504,937 of it can only be spent on “emergency financial aid grants”, meaning direct payments to students.

The rest of the money, and anything left over from last year’s CARES Act, can only be spent on programs or items related to COVID recovery. The CRRSAA FAQ gives some guidance starting on question #10. Specific examples of allowed use include technology and training costs for distance education and student support activities associated with COVID. AFT and CFT are actively investigating to see what uses of the money will be allowed. Uses of the CRRSAA are limited and funding is not ongoing. But we expect the District to work with us on exploring creative ways to use these funds to safeguard our institution.

(Saturday, 2/20) UESF holds candlelight vigil for COVID victims and to highlight what’s needed for a safe return to in-person instruction

Our Union siblings in San Francisco’s pre-K-12 education system have been working overtime to get students back into the classroom. They’re ready and doing their part. They needed the District to work with them this week to get an agreement around classroom instruction and for elected leaders to prioritize getting educators vaccinated!

No deal has been reached yet between UESF and SFUSD. UESF teachers are holding a socially distant candlelight vigil tomorrow (2/20) at Civic Center Plaza on Polk Street, directly across the street from City Hall at starting at 5:30pm to honor the nearly half a million lives lost in this country so far, including the 437 San Franciscans and the nearly 50,000 Californians that have died. UESF members also want to make it clear they have been doing their part to get a plan in place to bring students back; and District and City leaders need to step up to do theirs.

Please RSVP to CFT Organizer Valarie

Can’t make it? Recruit another member, a friend, a neighbor, a parent or community member to stand in solidarity with us. All supportive Bay Area community members are welcome.

(Tuesday, 2/23) Rebuild City College campaign holding a budget teach-in

Dear Colleagues,

The Rebuild City College campaign would like to invite you to a teach-in webinar next Tuesday evening from 5-7pm on COVID-related funding and also CCSF’s budget process.

Our administration has been saying for years that there’s no money. But now, in our time of greatest need, they’ve been sitting on $25.7 million. Learn more about not only this COVID-relief money, but also admin’s myths about the college’s budget and the truth about the so-called Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF). We will also introduce you to some actions you can take right now to make a difference!
Webinar information is below. Please email with any questions about accessing the webinar.
See you Tuesday!
Stephanie MacAller
Rebuild City College Campaign
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or iPhone one-tap :
  US: +12532158782,,89223174683# or +16699006833,,89223174683#
Or Telephone:
  Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
      US: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 892 2317 4683

(Friday, 2/26) Lend your voice to save the Aircraft Maintenance Technology Program

This forum, called by SF BOS President Shamann Walton and co-hosted by San Francisco Labor Council and CCSF Associated Students, will bring together decision makers from San Francisco Airport and City College, along with student leaders and labor allies, to discuss the revitalization of the CCSF Aircraft Maintenance Technology program at SFO. Public comment invited.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 | 3:30 – 5:30PM


Click here to join the Zoom session []
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Sign the petition: Reinvest in a New Deal for Higher Education

President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and their team have been working at a furious pace to identify what needs to happen fast—containing the coronavirus, getting our country vaccinated, helping struggling Americans and their communities, and reversing the discriminatory, hate-driven executive actions of the last four years. That’s just the start. But Biden and Harris cannot do it alone. Now is the time for us to roll up our sleeves and work together to build back better. It’s time to reinvest in a New Deal for Higher Education so that our nation’s colleges and universities can continue to work for the common good.
There’s no better way to start this work than by passing Biden’s $1.9 trillion rescue proposal—the American Rescue Plan. It’s the Biden plan to curb the coronavirus, get the country vaccinated and invest resources where they are needed most, including $40 billion for higher education. That’s an important first step in getting our colleges and universities the resources they need to meet the challenges ahead.
Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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