1) Introductions and welcomes
2) What is the ADEM process and why do I need to register for it? (Guest speaker: David Campos
3) Motion to endorse Bill Shields and slate, AFT 2121 retiree for ADEM
4) Contribution authorizations
5) Political Director transitions
6) For the good of the COPE/New Business for February COPE

AFT 2121 retiree member Bill Shields is running to serve as an Assembly District Delegate for the local Democratic Party.

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85925850715?pwd=VU55WE1yNWplZnNubXA2c2hGNDlFQT09 OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #859 2585 0715 and password: 352218.

The California Democratic Party Bylaws (Article VI) provide that an Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMS) be held in each of the 80 California Assembly Districts in January of each odd-numbered year to elect 7 “self-identified female” and 7 “other than self-identified female” to be Assembly District Delegates (ADDs) to represent the Assembly District they are registered in. These elections are open to all California Democrats.

Assembly District Delegates (ADD) the Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC) are responsible for planning and attending informational meetings throughout the region and working with other DSCC delegates throughout California to represent their community.

AD Delegates are elected by voters (to participate in the ADEM you MUST be a registered Democrat in that Assembly District).

AD delegates vote within CA Democratic Party on behalf of the community they represent at CDP Regional Meetings, the California Democratic Party Convention, and those who are also elected to serve as an Executive Board member are responsible for voting and representing their community at the semi-annual E-Board meetings.

Role of Delegates
Together, CADEM Delegates vote and conduct Party business at the yearly State Convention and Executive Board meetings, including:
  • Election of CDP Officers: Chairman, two Vice-Chairs, Secretary and Controller (in odd-numbered years after presidential elections)
  • Election of 16-25 Regional Directors who function as liaisons between the California Democratic Party, County Central Committees, and Democratic Clubs in regions comprised of 3 to 5 Assembly Districts (in odd-numbered years)
  • Vote for the Endorsements of the California Democratic Party for partisan legislative and statewide offices in California
  • Vote for Positions on Ballot Propositions (as needed)
  • Establishment of the official California Democratic State Party Platform (in even-numbered years), and CDP Resolutions
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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595