Medical benefits victory | Call for CFT delegates

Impacts bargaining: Medical benefits victory

As we announced back in December, we won significant victories in impacts bargaining for Spring 2021. Faculty working part-time will retain medical benefits for Spring and Summer 2021 if any of the any of the following are true:

  • You have at least a 50% load in Spring 2021 (the normal requirement)
  • You have at least a 50% load for Spring as of January 1, but that load is subsequently reduced. The normal requirement that you must keep at least 20% is eliminated.
  • You had benefits AND you had an assignment in Fall 2020. That means if you had both an assignment and benefits in Fall 2020, you retain benefits with or without a Spring 2021 assignment.

As of this writing, 1/26/21, CCSF administration has not told faculty how they intend to implement this agreement. They told AFT today that they would send a letter to eligible faculty by the end of this week.

Our expectation is that if you have a CCSF paycheck, they will take deductions from it as they normally do. If you do not have a paycheck, you will have to make some arrangements with HR. If you owe a premium, you will have to pay the employee portion to HR. If you’re enrolled in Kaiser member only, you owe nothing. You may still have to tell HR to keep you enrolled. The lateness of the notice does not change CCSF’s responsibility to uphold the agreement. If you meet any of the conditions above, you are eligible.

Call for CFT Convention delegates

Calling for the nomination of delegates to the CFT (virtual) convention! This year’s California Federation of Teachers Convention is Thursday-Saturday, March 25th-27th. CFT is the highest policy-making body of our state-level Union! Delegates will elect the CFT President, Secretary-Treasurer, and 24 Vice Presidents. Delegates will also vote on important resolutions and constitutional amendments. If you would like to attend or would like to nominate a colleague please complete this form.

Members can write resolutions to be considered at the Convention, but they must be submitted to the Convention by the local, approved by the Executive Board. If you would like to submit a resolution for consideration, please do so by Friday, Feb 5, 5:00 pm, so that the Exec Board has time to review and vote. You can submit proposed resolutions to Vice President Mary Bravewoman (

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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