Protect our Democracy | Evals are a go | Sexual Harassment Training

Protect our Democracy: Count every vote!

Election day is upon us. Voter turnout is through the roof, and union members and activists throughout the country are volunteering like never before to ensure that we set a new direction.

But Trump and his enablers are doing everything they can to undermine the election, with plans to intimidate voters on election day and threats to declare victory before all the ballots are counted. It is unlikely that he will concede power.

Given the unprecedented numbers of votes that have been cast early and by mail, we do not expect the final tally to be known on election night. We can expect voter suppression, manipulation of the counts, and long legal battles. It could take weeks to know the results.

All votes must be counted. Period.

AFT 2121 has been in dialogue with our friends and allies around post-election mobilizations. Here are statements from the San Francisco Labor Council and AFT National.

This year our job includes more than getting out the vote. Here are some things we can do as unionists to ensure that every vote is counted. It all starts with mass actions on November 4th and November 7th. These are masked, peaceful demonstrations, organized by Protect the Results, Bay Resistance, and other allies.

November 4th, San Francisco, 3-6 p.m
Justin Herman Plaza, Embarcadero and Steuart 
RSVP and more info

November 4th, Oakland, 12-3 p.m.
Oscar Grant Plaza / Oakland City Hall
RSVP: FB Event Page for CFT

November 4th & 7th actions in other communities
Enter your zip code to find actions near you.
More information:

Choose Democracy
A national network of seasoned Nonviolent Direct Action activists have created Choose Democracy as a way of coordinating national mobilizations to resist a possible coup.

Fair Fight
Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight is organizing vote protection teams, with a variety of ways to participate.

We hope that this moment passes peacefully, that all votes are counted, and that our country holds a free and fair election. But we are prepared to fight if necessary.

(2 days left) You can do it: Elect the right candidates and pass Prop 15!

The election is tomorrow. We must elect local progressive candidates, Biden-Harris and pass Prop 15 to bring desperately needed funding to our CCSF.

You still have time to help win these critical campaigns!

Sign up to help

Evaluations are a go!

In case you missed the message, evaluations are a go!

Get more details

Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

College employees are now required by state law to complete a one-hour sexual harassment training. AFT 2121 has negotiated that we will be eligible for flex credit for that hour. We need to complete this training by December 31, 2020.  

Brit Team, the training administrator, will send each of us a link to the training. We urge you to complete it as soon as you can. Please do not wait until the last minute. If you need help or tech support over winter break, no one will be available at the college to help.

Like the required TB test, this training serves to protect our college community. As with the TB test, an employee who does not complete the training by the due date is in violation of law, and could be considered insubordinate and subject to discipline.

Please watch for the training link in your ccsf email.
Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595