Bargaining update: Evaluations

Faculty have been telling us that they’re worried about this semester’s evaluation process. In this crisis environment, how can we do evaluations that are useful, fair, and supportive? How can we make sure evaluations are true professional development? We’ve taken input and ideas from many faculty already, and everyone is saying the same things: Evaluations should help us do our work. Evaluations should be compassionate to us and to our students.

Evaluations are driven by faculty, so it’s up to us to take the lead. AFT 2121, in consultation with the Academic Senate, negotiates our evaluation process. As part of COVID Impacts bargaining, our bargaining team is currently working on a formal proposal for evaluations during crisis distance learning. It will provide fair and appropriate criteria, and a process that doesn’t overburden our struggling departments.

Some evaluation committees have already been formed, but administration has given virtually no direction. Some people are trying to go ahead and get work done. Here are a few things we advise for now:

● If possible, hold off until we have appropriate criteria.

● Departments can create smaller committees. Article 9.B.2.1.2 allows tenured faculty to be evaluated by 2-person committees “based on departmental workload.”

● Many faculty have requested postponement of evaluation.

● Choosing self-evaluation can help your co-workers.

● TDE classes, created as an emergency measure with only 8 hours of canvas training, are NOT the same as fully-certified online education. We cannot use distance education criteria for TDE. Those criteria were not designed for a situation like this.

● Be flexible and work with evaluatees to provide meaningful but compassionate reviews while we all strive to adapt in this remote working environment.

If you missed out on giving us input in our recent listening session, please share your concerns or two cents here.

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations

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