Last week we temporarily stopped the class cuts and compel the district to come to the negotiating table. This afternoon, just four days before classes start, we reached an agreement.

Class Size and Enrollment

  • Credit classes with a minimum of 10 will be allowed to run for the first two weeks of the semester.
  • Noncredit classes will be allowed to run for the first four weeks of the semester regardless of enrollment.
  • The class size minimum for Fall 2020 will be 15 instead of 20.
  • The District will implement in-person registration. This will greatly extend our reach to English language learners and non-credit students.

Medical Benefits

Class cuts can mean that faculty who work part-time lose their medical benefits during a global pandemic. Our agreement with the District:

  • Everyone who had benefits as of August 1st is eligible for those benefits to continue through Fall, even if your classes are cut.
  • Everyone who had benefits in Spring 2020 is eligible for benefits in Fall 2020, even if you’ve been laid off.

Fine print: If you’re completely laid off, you’ll need to arrange to pay the employee portion of the premium – whatever they would normally deduct from your paycheck. If you’re in Kaiser employee only, there’s no cost. But if you had a cost, HR will contact you about how to arrange the payment. We don’t know how they’ll arrange it.

Thank you to everyone who showed up, wrote letters, and helped keep the pressure on! This agreement couldn’t have happened without you.

What’s next?

  • (8/13) School is in session: Teach in to break down barriers to education

    During a global pandemic CCSF students need more stability and support, not less. Students, faculty and community leaders will be speaking out on the Administration’s decision to cut classes whose enrollment is impacted by COVID and the importance of breaking down barriers during this crisis- students need robust class offerings and accessible registration.
Who: AFT 2121 faculty, students, and community leaders

What: Socially Distant Press Conference and Registration Teach In
Wear: A mask and plan to stay 6ft apart, wear your Union garb or red for education, bring a sign about access to education, wear a mask and plan to stay 6ft apart!
Where: Drive in, walk in, bike in, or tune in. CCSF Ocean Campus, Multi Use Building Parking lot between MUB and the CCSF Bookstore Annex
When: Thursday, August 13, 11am-12pm

RSVP NOW: Please tell us if you’re  walking, driving, or biking in so we can keep this socially distant event safe.

  • (8/14) AFT 2121 Flex Meeting

    Please join us for our AFT 2121 Flex Day meeting this Friday, 8/14 from 2-4:30pm where we will be discussing COVID impact bargaining and sharing what we know about things to expect for the Fall semester. 

    To attend go to:

    Check out our AFT 2121 Fall Calendar:
Posted in E-news Archives, Events, Negotiations, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595