(8/27) BOT Meeting: SOS! Save Our School! | (8/26) Bargaining listening session: Noncredit & Canvas

(8/27) BOT meeting: SOS! Save Our School!

It’s Back to School, and Back to the Board of Trustees Meeting we go! Students and faculty were eager for the semester to start, only to find so many tech complications and barriers that students were “locked out” of their online classrooms.

CCSF Board of Trustees meeting
Thursday 8/27, 4:00 pm
Zoom: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/96314558242
Phone: 415 762 9988
ID: 963 1455 8242

What are we demanding and what should I say?
You can direct your comments to items not on the agenda and/or to agenda item number 6E “Update on California Community College Chancellor’s Office Call for Action on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”  

A stated goal in the draft Accreditation Midterm Report is to close achievement gaps in basic skills. The report admits that students’ economic situations are the most formidable barrier preventing transition to credit, followed by a need for more information more frequently (pgs 25-28). Yet, at this moment our most vulnerable students are blocked from registering for the college, signing up for classes, and attending their online classes even when they are signed up. This is an equity issue for both credit and noncredit students. 

We’re calling on the BOT and Administration to stand up for our loyal, hard-working and dedicated students who just need more time and support to become oriented and acclimated to online/remote education. SOS! Save Our School!

To do this we need:

  • Multilingual support staff to be able to guide students new to remote and online learning, in a timely manner.
  • More time for classes to run. Don’t cut classes that enrolled students have struggled to attend because of tech issues!
  • A lower class size minimum.
  • Printed schedules, paper mailings and multilingual posters and signs on all campuses with information about how to register.
  • Classes and programs to be “held harmless” in terms of enrollment management.
  • Communication! Tell us where to refer our students and where to report problems.

See you there!

How to format your public comment:
Public comment will be near the beginning, after approval of the agenda. Here’s what the BOT website says about public comment:


Requests to make public comment must be submitted in advance, no later than 30 minutes before the start of the meeting via email to: publiccomment@ccsf.edu or by phone to: 669.444.1266. At the appropriate time you will be unmuted and allowed to speak. Comments are limited to 2 minutes.

Please submit the following information:

1. Name
2. Meeting Name and Date
3. Agenda Item Number
4. Phone number if you are participating by phone.

(8/26) Impacts bargaining listening session: Noncredit & canvass

Our COVID impacts bargaining continues. This Friday we and plan to bargain over impacts on noncredit and the Canvas meltdown. Please join our listening session to help us shape our proposals to the District.

Tell us about how this transition to online/remote teaching has been going so far. We want to know your thoughts and observations. What’s working? What’s not working? What are your students saying?

COVID impacts bargaining listening session: Noncredit & Canvas 

Wednesday, 8/26, 3pm
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85420865085?pwd=eUhOU0NDc3o0RVJDUnArM1IwT1IyZz09
Phone: 669 900 6833
ID: 854 2086 5085
Password: 860217

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See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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