Concession bargaining | Teach online training | Interim Chancellor | More…

Reminder: Training to teach online

Most of our classes will be online in Fall 2020. If you do not get trained, you may not be able to teach.

  • Faculty will be paid for this training.
  • It will be paid and reported on the August paycheck, as if it happened in August.
  • For details, see our June 15th article.

You should have received a letter in your email from Cynthia Dewar, with a link to sign up for training. (Contact Cynthia Dewar, If you have a teaching assignment for Fall 2020, sign up now. If you get an assignment later, sign up as soon as you get the assignment.

Help get the word out! If you know colleagues who might not see their email, please let them know.

Governor and Legislature reach budget deal

By now many of you have probably seen news about the state budget deal reached between the Legislature and the Governor. Multiple articles and sources within CFT (the California Federation of Teachers, our state affiliate union) report that the deal mitigates the substantial cuts to education that the Governor had originally proposed in May.

More details on how the agreement will impact community colleges are available here. Basically, education funding is stabilized with relief stemming from “deferrals” which are effectively IOUs from the state. That presents a challenge for districts struggling with cash flow, but this plan still represents a real improvement over cuts. We are cautiously optimistic and look forward to seeing the details of the final agreement which is scheduled for release Thursday or Friday of this week.

Once final details are available, our AFT 2121 budget team and the CFT research department will be looking closely at the state budget agreement and its implications for CCSF’s budget. In the meantime, as AFT works to analyze and apply this new information, any potential concessions bargaining is on hold.

Stayed tuned!

Concessions/wage freeze update: Stay tuned for open bargaining

Our AFT Bargaining team and the District were scheduled to meet and discuss budget information Monday afternoon. The District instead postponed that meeting until July 1st.

Without additional information, the AFT Bargaining team cannot engage with the District in any conversation about concessions. Therefore, potential concessions bargaining is on hold until further notice. As such, the District must continue to operate under the terms of the contract unless/until something else is negotiated.

We will update you regularly as this continues to unfold.

In the meantime please fill out the most recent bargaining survey.

Interim Chancellor appointed

Yesterday the Board announced the appointment of interim Chancellor, Rajen Vurdien. Trustee Williams stated in the District’s announcement that Dr. Vurdien has “more than 30 years in higher education, predominantly in California community colleges. His progression to the presidency began with more than a decade as a full-time university and community college faculty member (including reading faculty at Long Beach City College) and culminated as superintendent-president at Pasadena City College, where he retired February 2019.” Yes, you read that correctly, this will be the second time he succeeds Mark Rocha as the head of a major CA community college.

Our AFT representative on the hiring committee, Adele Failes-Carpenter, offered the following about Dr. Vurdien, “the recent search indicated that those with accomplished records and lifelong commitments to public higher education believe in the importance and capacity of our college, just as we do. Dr. Vurdien stands out as someone with a high regard for transparency and a strong record of having worked meaningfully with campus constituencies to navigate challenging circumstances–skills and experience that will benefit CCSF during this period.”

While we hope this appointment indicates a positive step for our college, we also cannot relax. We invite Dr. Vurdien to work with us in good faith. We look forward to forging a transparent and collaborative relationship that can begin to repair years of damage by rogue administrations, face current difficulties, and restore the keep the community in community college values of our mission.

Dr. Vurdien reports for duty July 1st.


Support undocumented CCSF students!

In collaboration with Project Dream and Students Making a Change and in honor of the Supreme Court victory blocking Trump’s ability to end DACA, we want to AGAIN lift up this local fund to support our undocumented students. We have ONLY RAISED $3000 FOR OUR UNDOCUMENTED STUDENTS. This is our second appeal for your support – please make a donation today!

These funds will be used to assist undocumented students through gift cards to address food insecurity.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595