COVID bargaining | AFT elections: Ballots out | Canvas privacy | DA & COPE

Rebort-back: COVID impact bargaining

AFT 2121 leaders met with Chancellor Gonzales and SVC Tom Boegel to push back against last week’s announcement that the only faculty eligible to teach this summer are those previously certified by the Distance Learning Office for online instruction. We proposed, instead, that the college deem eligible to teach this summer any faculty member comfortable teaching “remotely” (as we have been doing during the COVID pandemic). SVC Boegel agreed to check in with the Office of Distance Learning and respond to us.

In addition, AFT’s grievance officer Malaika Finkelstein objected to a recent email announcing that noncredit instructors are currently not expected to be teaching their classes at all. Malaika pointed out that many noncredit instructors have been working long hours to keep their students engaged. SVC Boegel agreed to clarify expectations around noncredit instruction, and AFT is currently organizing a forum for noncredit faculty to discuss this and other issues arising around emergency remote instruction.

Finally, we raised our concerns about plans discussed in last week’s Board committees to close Civic Center and Fort Mason Campuses. Chancellor Gonzales reported that after hearing concerns in public comment, she adjusted the upcoming Board agenda so that those closures are discussion only items. She agreed to explore the suggestions offered by Civic Center faculty for saving their campus, as well as the concerns raised by librarian Dayna Holz about the closure of Fort Mason.

AFT 2121 will be making public comment on these and other issues at this Thursday’s Board of Trustees meeting. We invite all AFT 2121 members to join us. Please stay tuned for more info soon on our plans for the BOT meeting.

AFT 2121 elections: Ballots out!

Electronic ballots went out to all 2121 members on Monday, April 20, via Electionbuddy, the online voting service handling our current AFT election. If you have not received an election notice in your email, or you have any other questions, contact them at Please provide your current email address and your home mailing address. You may vote online through Friday, May 8, 2020.

Canvas privacy concerns

We are alarmed to hear rumors that administration may be monitoring the Canvas online classes without the consent or even knowledge of the instructor. We brought this concern up at our impact negotiations meeting last Friday. Interim Chancellor Dianna Gonzales told us that she would find out what is going on and get back to us.

In the meantime we will be submitting an information request to find out exactly what they are doing and why.
Stay tuned..

Delegate Assembly & COPE: How to participate, more

All AFT 2121 members are invited to join upcoming Delegate Assembly and COPE meetings to participate in our Union’s decision making.

Some things to keep in mind when joining remotely:

  1. We will be muting participants when they join, to minimize background noise, but you will be able unmute yourself to participate.
  2. If you would like to make a comment or ask a question, please use the Raise Hand feature and you’ll be called on and unmuted by the facilitator.
  3. If you’re calling in by phone to the meeting, only a phone number will display instead of your name; we’ll ask you who you are and list your name instead of number for the meeting.
  4. We’ll use the Poll feature for voting, and a reminder that only Delegates vote at the Delegate Assembly meetings.
  5. The meeting will be recorded for the minutes, but the recording will not be made available after the meeting, and the secretary will delete the recording once she completes the minutes.
  6. Please be patient – we’re all figuring this out!
  7. Having trouble? Step by step zoom trouble shooting.

Tuesday, April 21 Delegate Assembly from 3-5pm.

Agenda and draft minutes:

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #925 8144 6298 and Password: 184588.

April COPE meeting, April 21, 1:30-3pm


  • Endorsement for (1) seat on the Board of Trustees
  • Board of Supervisors: D1 (Richmond) & D9 (Mission)
  • State Senate

To attend, follow this link from your computer or smartphone: OR call 1-669-900-6833 then follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID #933 937 230 and Password: 870996.

Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at Follow us on Facebook.
To update your email address, please let us know at

Please post, distribute, and otherwise share this information
with interested colleagues who may not be receiving emails.

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Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595