COVID-19 negotiations | AFT Elections | Joint Education Committee Hearing | Support workers during COVID-19

AFT impact negotiations over coronavirus crisis

AFT has begun negotiations with the District over the impact of District emergency measures on faculty working conditions. We seek an agreement that ensures the following:

  1. All faculty will be paid and maintain benefits as though all assignments were proceeding as normal, i.e. without Coronavirus crisis.
  2. Faculty workload will correspond to the workload originally assigned for all contractual purposes including modal load, salary advancement, post-sabbatical service, leave rights, etc.
  3. AFT opposed the management decision to move Spring break back a week but so far management has rejected our arguments. Faculty unable to work during the week of March 30, the contractual Spring Break, shall be held harmless.

AFT is receiving many questions and concerns from faculty about the shutdown and resumption through remote instruction, counseling and library work, training in Canvass, off-site assignments, health and safety, academic freedom, and more. We will engage the District, advocate for faculty, and seek to clarify the many unknowns as we move forward through this crisis. Above all, we will work to ensure faculty rights and support efforts to help ensure the safety of our College community. We will continue to give regular updates and communicate with our members.

Union elections

As previously announced, AFT plans to go ahead with the mail-ballot election, but with some caveats and changes:

  1. The March 24 General Membership meeting, from 3-5pm, will be held remotely (details coming soon). Nominations must be delivered to the Secretary (Dayna Holz, prior to the meeting or at the meeting. The (5) five signature requirement for nominations is waived.
  2. Precinct rep elections are postponed until the Fall.
  3. Processing the preparation, sending, gathering, and counting of mail ballots requires considerable hands-on work. Should this become untenable, the entire election could be postponed with notification to all concerned.

General Membership Meeting

The March 24 General Membership meeting, from 3-5pm, will be held remotely (more details coming soon). View the agenda.

(3/13) Joint Education Committee Hearing Cancelled

AFT received word this afternoon that this Friday’s Joint Select Committee on the Underfunding of Public Education in San Francisco has been cancelled. Depending on when hearing is rescheduled for the City may choose to set up an alternate process to ensure folks in the community who want to participate will have their public comment recorded. Stay tuned and please RSVP if you would like to participate in the future hearing.


San Francisco Green New Deal Townhall:
A People’s Climate Justice Platform

Saturday, April 18th
1pm – 4pm
Mission High School
3750 18th Street, San Francisco

Come together as communities of color, youth, immigrants, workers and union members to shape a visionary San Francisco Green New Deal that will transform our city and set an example of what is possible for other cities around the country.

Join with PODER, Jobs with Justice San Francisco, Bayview Advocates, the Public Bank Coalition, United Educators of San Francisco, American Federation of Teachers 2121, SEIU United Services Workers West, SEIU 1021, SOMCAN, SF Rising, IFPTE Local 21, Reclaim Our Power: Utility Justice Campaign, Senior and Disability Action, unions, environmental organizations and allies to craft a bold plan together. RSVP if you can attend. Interpretation, childcare and pre-event workshops are available.

Housing our workers: Your stories needed!

It is no secret that the cost of housing in the Bay Area is high. Over the last decade, the region’s rents and homeownership costs have escalated so dramatically that nearly one half of all Bay Area residents struggle to afford their housing. This is true for unionized workers. Whether you are a teacher, a firefighter, an electrician or a public worker, finding good affordable housing in San Francisco is nearly impossible. Assessing the current housing needs of San Francisco union members is an important step to ensure the right policies are being advanced at City Hall. This is exactly what the San Francisco Labor Council is doing.

If you would like to participate in interviews exploring the lives and housing experiences of union members please let AFT staff Athena Waid know (

This interview series will encompass a diversity of worker stories from within the unions that participate in this study and touch on a broad representation of worker experiences, including local workers living in San Francisco, displaced workers living in other cities, “super-commuters”, as well as the experience of both homeowners and renters, and will seek to encompass the stories of workers of differing ages, with variable household sizes, multigenerational households, and differing access to resources such as transportation, education, and health, all depending on the workers available to participate. The Housing Our Workers project will strive to expand our understanding of worker stakes in an unstable housing market.

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595