AFT 2121 reaches agreement on impacts of CoVid-19 plans

Today, March 12, AFT and the District reached agreement over coronavirus impact negotiations. The agreement,
  • assures that faculty pay, benefits, and other contractual rights are intact through this crisis, and
  • guarantees that faculty will be held harmless if unable to work during the previously schedule spring break (March 28-April 5).
As additional issues arise, we remain ready to engage the District as needed. Here is the text of the full agreement:

Covid-19 impact negotiations agreement between AFT and District:

The parties enter this agreement in response to the CoVid-19 outbreak in order to 1) slow the spread of the CoVid-19 virus by following public health guidelines and best practices, 2) maintaining continuity of instruction, and 3) maintaining continuity of pay, benefits, and employment status for faculty.

The parties acknowledge the need to suspend in-person instruction and other services but will work to resume in-person instruction and other faculty work as soon as public health conditions make it feasible.

On March 10, 2020, AFT 2121 formally requested negotiations with the District over the impact on faculty working conditions of CCSF measures to halt the spread of Covid-19. The parties have reached agreement on the following:

  1. All faculty will be paid and maintain benefits as though all assignments were proceeding as originally assigned, prior to CoVid-19 crisis,including short-terms courses.
  2. Faculty workload will correspond to the workload originally assigned for the semester for all contractual purposes, including modal load, salary advancement, post-sabbatical service, leave rights, etc.
  3. Management changed the contractually negotiated Spring Break calendar without agreement with AFT, to the week of March 23, 2020. Faculty unable to take on faculty duties/work during the week of March 30, the original dates for Spring Break, may opt during the March 30 week to:
    1. Assign activities to be completed by students remotely, OR
    2. Follow procedure for engaging a substitute instructor.
    3. In either case, faculty will notify their Department Chair of their plans. In all cases, faculty shall beheld harmless by the District for employment purposes, and shall not be disciplined, charged sick leave, etc.
  1. Faculty shall be available during the week of March 16-20 to receive training and technical support regarding remote instruction or remote delivery of other faculty services (counseling,librarianship, etc.). Additional training will be made  available upon request.
  2. Faculty teaching off-site (at community centers,hospitals, etc.):
    1. When the off-site is closed, faculty will not be required to teach
    2. If the off-site remains open while face-to-face instruction is suspended, faculty will notify their Department Chair if they are unable to continue in-person instruction, and will work with their Chair to provide continuity of instruction.
Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595