Stop the cuts, plan to restore

With the College still reeling from massive cuts, the administration appears to be heading for another round of class reductions. On Wednesday, Feb. 19, the CCSF Budget Committee adopted a recommendation for a 2020/21 CCSF budget as follows:

  • General Fund and Prop A revenues of $189.3 million + 2.29% State COLA

  • Minus 5% off the top ($9.7 million) for a cash reserve

  • Reduce Full-time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF) from 1400 to 1200, a 14% reduction

What is wrong with this picture?

  • It assumes no “bridge funding,” despite ongoing efforts by students/faculty/community to secure from the City.

  • It will lead to more class cuts, continuing the downward spiral in enrollment and State funding.

  • It sabotages opportunities for growing enrollment.

  • It skims off $9.7 million for a cash reserve increasing the Fund Balance to 9.6%. The State recommended minimum is 5%.

Stop the carnage!

Despite repeated requests, administration has yet to provide data on the extent of the cuts including the number of class sections eliminated and the drop in student enrollment. Suffice to say they are huge.

staggering loss in the number of faculty employedfrom 838 faculty working part-time in Fall 2018 to 683, and from 608 faculty working full-time to 556. (Just this Spring 2020 semester, as a result of the “midnight massacre” cuts last November, of the still employed part-time faculty, 37 lost their health benefits.)

Total number of faculty employed: 1,265, down from 1,964 in Fall 2009, and the lowest number since at least 1979.

How many more faculty and staff will lose their jobs, income, or health coverage? How many more students will be turned away from CCSF?

An alternative CCSF budget and a plan to restore:

  • Support efforts to secure “bridge funding” from the City to help balance next year’s budget instead of resorting to still more cuts.

  • More gradually build a cash reserve. Focus on balancing the CCSF budget in 2020/21.

  • Join efforts to pass the CCSF bond on March 3, and getting the Schools and Communities First initiative on the statewide November ballot.

  • Support the CHEF, the game-changer for restoring CCSF to the community college San Francisco needs.

  • Closely monitor all expenditures going forward to eliminate unnecessary spending and prevent over-budgeting.

  • Prioritize growing enrollment by investing dollars in restoring classes/programs.

  • Broaden involvement in the budget process to all College constituents.

  • Provide space for recommendations from all constituencies, not just administration.

We need a budget that reflects our political initiatives to restore CCSF to the community college SF deserves, not the ACCJC/FCMAT austerity blueprint for downsizing our college.

Join us!

  • Emergency AFT membership meeting, Wed. Feb. 26, 3-5 p.m.

  • Get signatures for “Schools and Communities First Initiative.”
    Sign up to volunteer.

  • Feb 27 Board of Trustees meeting, Public Comment, 6:15pm

  • March 3 Flex Day: AFT workshop, 1:30-2:30pm, room TBD

  • March 3 primary: GOTV

To part-time faculty who lost assignments: invoke your recall right!

Part-time faculty laid-off from CCSF retain their recall right for (4) four semesters. To invoke your recall right, request a preference form from your Department Chair in writing. Include your email/home addresses. Submit the preference form ASAP to your Chair for Fall 2020 assignments.

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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