COPE meetings |2020/21 calendar survey| Schools & Communities First

Be a part of our political decisions: Join our January COPE meetings

All AFT 2121 members are encouraged to attend our COPE meetings and to take part in our political decision making processes.
Tuesday January 21st, 2pm
Ocean Campus, MUB 261
  • Conversation with Alan Wong, candidate for CCSF Board Of Trustees (Action Item)
  • Sign-on request from Sara Shortt, Community Housing Partnership re: Proposition C implementation and funding (Action Item)
(Note time change) Monday, January 27th, 11:30am-1pm
Ocean Campus, MUB 261
  • Shall AFT 2121 make endorsements in the 2020 races for State Senator and Congressional Representative? (Action Item)
  • Proposition A (City College Bond), presented by Dean Jorge Bell (Action Item)

Results of survey to District’s proposed 2020/21 calendar

Summer 2020
85% of people are happy with the Summer Calendar or do not care.
Fall 2020
Approximately 75% of people are happy with Fall 2020 Calendar or don’t care.

About 80% of people want to change Oct Flex Day from Tuesday, Oct 12 to Mon. Oct 11

Survey results showed that the majority of people do not want to change the calendar in order to have a whole week off for Thanksgiving.

Some comments suggested that we start the Thanksgiving holiday on Wednesday afternoon. But this is actually not an option because that means that we don’t get state apportionment (i.e. $$ !) for that week. If you think of the clever idea to take that Wednesday as an independent flex day – well, we’ve been there, tried it. Although we believe it does not violate the letter of the law, the State Chancellor’s Office has made it clear they would consider it to be a transparent end run around the regulations and they will not allow it. So yes, the only other option to just taking off Thursday and Friday is to take off the entire week of Thanksgiving.

Spring 2021

The majority of people want to change the start of the Spring 2021 semester to Jan 14th (instead of Jan 7th) and end on May 26th (instead of May 19th.)

Although our practice has been to give final approval of the calendar at a DA meeting, given the discussions at two DA meetings and these survey results, and since we are past the deadline for getting back to the District, the Eboard approved the 2020/21 calendar as per the survey results on 1/14/20 and sent the proposal back to the District.

Schools & Communities First

Schools & Communities First is a state-wide initiative to bring over $11 billion yearly to the California school system by closing commercial property tax loopholes that have deprived our communities of the resources they need since 1979. As our school system was defunded, California became one of the largest spenders in incarceration. A 2018 study found that our State has the widest gap between per student and per inmate spending, $11,495 vs $64,642 respectively. That is a difference of over $50,000. This combined with State strategies to deprioritize lifelong learning in the name of graduation metrics, such as the Student Centered Funding Formula, paints a harsh environment for education in California.

Here at CCSF, once the largest Community College in the nation, we’ve seen firsthand how under-funding and deprioritization of community oriented programs leads to drastic cuts and downsizing in the name of a balanced budget. Last November, our Chancellor decided to cut hundreds of classes from the Spring 2020 schedule to save approximately $2.7 million. Getting SCF on the ballot and successfully passing it this November means that San Francisco would gain almost $1 billion every year for education and community infrastructure projects! This is a vital step that needs to be taken in order to protect and keep CCSF as a true Community institution, one that serves all of our needs.

To make SCF a reality, we need your help! The goal is to get over 1 million signatures by March 20, 2020 to qualify this measure for the November 2020 ballot. The California Federation of Teachers has paid signature gathering opportunities for those interested and our faculty Union AFT2121 has readily available petitions to gather signatures from classmates, friends, family, and the community at large. To get involved please contact Athena Waid (


Posted in E-news Archives, Events

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595