Bridge funding | Delegate Assembly | Class cancellations | Presidential election survey

(1/15 & 1/28) Work for City Hall Bridge Funding

Remember the Bridge Funding of $2.67 M we were asking SF supervisors for in order to restore the Spring 2020 schedule? There is still hope that we might actually get the 8 votes needed. Despite Chancellor Rocha’s attempts to sabotage our efforts and the extremely disappointing lack of support from our own Trustees, we have 6 of the 8 co-sponsors we need for a veto-proof vote on the ordinance. We just need 2 more! If we get them, we will be able to restore many (though sadly not all) of the classes for a late start schedule.

Here are the opportunities to help:
  • Ordinance goes to BOS Budget and Finance Committee
    1/15 at 10am
    City Hall in room 250

    This is the meeting where a vote will be taken to send the ordinance to the larger board. We are fairly confident this will happen since 2 of the 3 sups on that committee have already signed onto the ordinance.
  • Ordinance goes to full BOS
    1/28 at 2pm
    City Hall in room 250

    This is the meeting where a first reading will happen and possibly a vote will be taken.

BEFORE the meeting on Jan 28th, please reach out to Supervisors Rafael Mandelman and Asha Safai and demand that they co-sign the ordinance. Aaron Peskin is more of a long shot but if you are in his district, please contact him too.

We refuse to lose our college!

(1/21) Delegate Assembly

All members are invited to our first Delegate Assembly of the semester on Tuesday 1/28 from 3-5pm on Ocean Campus in MUB 261.

Class loss reporting form

After making dramatic cuts to the already published Spring schedule, administration is now making another round of cuts to classes that remained in the schedule.

Please, use this form to log and record a class or section you have lost. This form is intended for instructors. If you have a student who lost a class, please email with your story.
We can not guarantee restoration of any classes but this information helps is as we are bargaining with the district and fighting back against the cuts.

AFT 212’s 2020 Presidential election survey

AFT 2121 is conducting a survey of our members about the 2020 Presidential election. Should we endorse anyone? If so, who are your preferred candidates and priority issues?

The outcome of the November 2020 presidential elections will be extremely important for teachers, students and the future of public education. A president committed to quality education will care about under what pay & conditions we teach, and how our teaching is funded. S/he should also be concerned about the skyrocketing levels of student debt, and how to enable the broadest possible affordable access to public higher education. If there is enough interest, we will be hosting a special COPE meeting in February where faculty proxies of candidates can make their cases.


Email James Tracy at if you would like to represent a candidate at this meeting.  

Weingarten Rights


In a few recent cases, administrators have tried to deny faculty the right to union representation. The District says they’ll train administrators to avoid future violations, but it’s also important for all faculty to know our legal rights.


You have the right to union representation during any interview you reasonably believe might result in discipline. Please see our Weingarten Rights page for more information.

Posted in E-news Archives, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595