(1/27) COPE meeting agenda | (1/28 & 1/31) Stop the cuts!

(1/27) COPE

MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2020, 11:30-1:30pm


Congressional Representative and State Senator (15 Mins)

  • Background: This year, progressive challengers are vying for the seats of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, and State Senator Scott Weiner. Both of their challengers, Shadid Butter and Jackie Fielder are engaging candidates who have asked for the support of AFT 2121.
  • Learn more: Read a SF Chronicle article on the Congressional race here, and and Examiner article on the State Senate race here.
  • Action Items: Should AFT 2121 make an endorsement in the Congressional Representative Race, 12 District,? Should AFT 2121 make an endorsement in the State Senate race, 11th District,?
  • Special Note:This is a process discussion and vote, we will not be endorsing candidates at this time, nor will any of them be present for this discussion.

Proposition A: City College Job Training, Earthquake Repair and Safety Measure (30 mins)

  • Background: City College of San Francisco has placed an $845,000,00 Bond on the ballot to help repair and modernize our campuses.
  • Learn more: Read the complete legislation and digest here.
  • Action Items: Should AFT 2121: endorse, oppose or take no position on Proposition A.
  • Special Note: Former Dean Jorge Bell will present in favor of Proposition A

Democratic Central Committee (30 mins)

  • Background: The Democratic Central Committee is the policy and endorsement body for the local party. Over seven dozen individuals are running. We are only inviting slates and individuals who have asked for our consideration and filled out our questionnaire. However AFT 2121 members can vote for any candidate of their choosing in COPE.
  • Learn more: Read the questionnaires here. The password is COPE.
  • Action Items: Who shall AFT 2121 endorse for the San Francisco Democratic Party Central Committee?
  • Special Note: AFT 2121 member Li Lovett is a candidate in this race.

(1/28 & 1/31) Stop the cuts to CCSF!

We’ve seen the decimation of African American Studies, Philippine Studies, Tagalog, older adult classes, and much more. We must push back on the narrative that narrowing class offerings will help our low income and students of color succeed.

Help us keep CCSF the kind of college all of our San Francisco communities deserve! Join two upcoming hearings at City Hall in room 250 on the devastating class cuts at City College. Please wear red for education. PLEASE RSVP

  •  Tuesday, 1/28 from 1-4pm
  • 1-2pm, 2nd floor Supervisors’ hall — Stop by Supervisors’ offices.
  • 2-4pm, room 250 — Board of Supervisors will cast their initial vote on Supervisor Walton’s $2.7M Emergency Bridge Funds ordinance. If passed this could help reverse more than 300 classes slashed from the CCSF schedule. There will be no dedicated public comment on this measure but, if you can, please be present in chambers to show support during the vote.

Friday, 1/31 from 9:30-11:30am

  • 9:30am, Polks St. steps — Rally.
  • 10-11:30pm, room 250– Public comment to the Joint Education Committee. As we continue the fight for bridge funds to restore our Spring 2020 schedule, Supervisor Walton has called a Joint Education Committee hearing on the effects that class cuts have on low income students and students of color.
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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595