CCSF in the Sunset! | HEAT action | Speak out to Trustees | January health premiums | DA agenda | More…

(Wed. 11/13, 11:30am) Supervisor Mar announces City College Sunset!

Supervisor Mar has partnered with the College, District 4 constituents, AFT 2121, and the Wah Mei School to offer CCSF classes in the Sunset. Supervisor Mar chose to use $150,000 of his District 4 budget to place these classes in the community!  

Supervisor Gordon Mar and City College of San Francisco are excited to announce the launch of City College Sunset in the Spring 2020 semester with six new classes serving working adults, seniors, immigrants and high school students. Adult classes will be located at Wah Mei School, 1400 Judah Street, and classes for high school students will be located at Lincoln High School, 2162 24th Avenue. All classes are tuition-free for San Francisco residents.

Supervisor Mar invites CCSF faculty and students to attend a press announcing this happy moment this Wednesday, 11/13 at 11:30am at Wah Mei School (1400 Judah St.)

(Wed. 11/13, 12pm) HEAT rallies against the cuts to the Spring 2020 schedule

The Higher Education Action Team invites students and faculty to attend one of two rallies in response to further cuts to our College.

You can join them this Wednesday, 11/13 at noon at either the Ocean at Conlan Hall or at the Chinatown Campus.

(Thurs. 11/14, 4:15pm) Speak out about the cuts: Board meeting and sign on letter

Let the CCSF Trustees know the cuts must stop! We expect them to work with us to help fund our college’s future.

Join us at the board meeting on Thurs. 11/14 in Conlan Hall 101 to support our colleagues and students who are being hurt by further cuts to our college.

Public comment will be before closed session and is expected to begin between 4:15pm-4:45pm. Expect to speak for 1 or 2 minutes and be prepared for the trustees to potentially limit public comment to 1 minute per person.

Please wear your #RedForEd AFT 2121 t-shirt. If you’re able to attend the meeting but not able to give public comment please come wearing your AFT 2121 t-shirt and stand in solidarity with those who are able to speak up. Let Athena Waid ( know if you need a t-shirt brought to the meeting.

Have you lost a class? Please help us track it. Fill out the class loss tracking form.

Chancellor Rocha’s solution to our current budget issues is to cut more classes, coordination time, and library and counseling services for students. AFT 2121 believes we can’t cut our way out of this problem. Our solution is to address the chronic underfunding of public education. We are working towards creating the Community Higher Education Fund (CHEF) to enable the City of San Francisco to fund programs and needs that the State does not provide.

Sign on to this letter supporting a fully-funded CCSF.

(Sat. 11/16, 10am-1pm) Schools and Communities First meeting

Joint the SF kickoff mobilization and training for the Schools & Communities First (Prop 13 reform) measure which will be on the Nov 2020 ballot. At the meeting you can learn how to collect petition signatures to ensure that this gets on the ballot. We will have petitions on hand to distribute to volunteers during the training.
WHAT: School & Communities First meeting
WHEN: 10am-1pm
WHERE: SEIU, 350 Rhode Island St #100

Flyer and more info coming soon. Please reach out to if you can help with the planning and facilitation.

(Tues. 11/19, 3-5pm) Delegate Assembly

All AFT 2121 members are invited to our next Delegate Assembly on Tuesday, 11/19 from 3-5pm on the Mission Campus, room 154. The November COPE meeting is cancelled.

Delegate Assembly Agenda

(Wed. 11/20, 6-8pm) The Power of Us: Jobs with Justice 9th Annual Gala

Join AFT 2121, Jobs with Justice SF, and Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, champion of AB 5, at the 2019 Gala to celebrate our biggest victories!

Wednesday, 11/20 from 6-8pm at The Episcopal Church of Saint John the Evangelist

The labor movement just had one of its biggest wins – passing AB 5 and securing rights for at least a million workers statewide who have been misclassified by their employers and cheated out of minimum wage, overtime, workers compensation and other protections.

This year’s big wins came from the power of us — domestic workers joining rideshare drivers in Sacramento to pass AB 5; students, families and educators standing together on strike lines; and community and faculty ensuring City College remains free for ten more years.

AFT 2121 has tickets to this event reserved for our members and students. Please contact Athena Waid (awaid@aft2121) if you or someone you know would like to attend.

UPDATE: January health premiums for faculty working part time

We’ve found out more information about benefits for January. This is an update of last week’s message.

Part-timers who are enrolled in medical benefits in Fall 2019 received a letter titled “Notice of Health Premiums Due for the Month of January.” If you’re under 50% in Spring, your benefits would normally be cut off on January 1. But now there’s a way for part-time faculty to extend their benefits for one more month.

  • If you have a Spring 2020 assignment worth 50% or more, your benefits will continue as normal and you don’t need to worry about this.
  • If you have no assignment in Spring, you can extend your benefits through January by paying the employee part of the premium to the college by December 27th. You benefits will continue through January 31st.
  • If you’re enrolled in Kaiser Member Only, you have no premium to pay. Your benefits will continue through January 31st automatically. You don’t have to do anything to arrange it.
  • If you have an assignment, but it’s less than 50%, the January deduction will be taken from your January paycheck. Benefits will continue through January 31st. You don’t have to do anything to arrange it.
  • If you pay the college for the premium, and then receive an assignment over 50%, they will refund the payment you made. The refund should happen at the end of February.
  • If you do not pay by December 27th, and you do not have a Spring assignment, your benefits will end January 1

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Posted in E-news Archives, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595