Class cancellations for Fall during Summer MUST STOP

Students and Faculty have reached out with similar experiences during the Summer. The Administration is moving forward with more class cancellations for the Fall 2019 semester, up to 200 sections, even though it’s only July, and even though the fall schedule was already drastically reduced.

Many faculty members have been approached by their Deans and asked to cancel “under-enrolled” courses or sections. Students and faculty agree that this is outrageous and unnecessary: classes don’t start for another month, and it’s just unreasonable to expect most classes to fill by early July. Administration is even cancelling classes with 20 or more students. This is a violation of our contract and we are pushing back! Moreover, due to AFT’s successful fight to increase this year’s Free City funding (see below), the college’s 2019-20 tentative budget is now showing a $1.5 million surplus. There is simply no good reason to pull the rug out from under our students in this way! Worse, these class cancellations have been ordered without input from instructors, students, or even board members.

If the Chancellor wants this college to grow, he needs to provide stable programs for our students. Haphazardly ordering class cancellations in the middle of the summer does the opposite, sending the message that our scheduling process is erratic, our classes are expendable, and our students can’t count on City College to deliver on its promises.

Have you lost a class?
AFT 2121 is tracking these cancellations! Fill out the Class Cancellation Report Form

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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