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Today, 2/15, at 5pm: Support Anchor Steam workers organizing with ILWU

Join the Happy Hour at Anchor Steam public taproom at 16th and De Haroto support Anchor Steam workers organizing to unionize with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union today, 2/15/19, at 5pm.

We need to GROW our college – Not cut classes!

The administration has directed department chairs to further cut class offerings for Fall 2019.

Just a few examples:

  • Asian American Studies has been directed to reduce its classes by one third despite the fact that the department had the second best enrollment of the diversity departments – averaged  35.2 students per section.
  • Computer Science is required to cut classes that would normally fill completely. The Fall class schedule is cut 28% from what was offered in Fall 2018 which represents a 22% cut from the current Spring semester.
  • Music had 62 sections in Fall 2018. They are being told to offer only 49 sections for Fall 2019, a reduction of 13 sections (a 21% cut).

What is going on? The Administration is cutting classes without regard to student and community needs, or even common sense and financial responsibility. They are not only downsizing our college but changing its essential nature. They are changing us from a community college with a mission of diversity, access and inclusion, to a junior college run strictly based on productivity defined by the numbers.

AFT 2121 is fighting back. So far we have had some success. We need to persist. We will continue to work on our strategy at the next Delegate Assembly meeting: Tuesday, February 26, 3pm at Chinatown Campus, room 504. COME! Help fight against the cuts!

Support our fellow Oakland Education Association educators!

Email with any questions.

California is 1st in the nation in wealth, 43rd in per pupil funding. Oakland Unified School District has been historically under resourced and mismanaged. Now, Oakland Education Association members are fighting back. But going on strike is hard work! OEA members are fighting for racial justice and the schools their students deserve, but they are risking a loss of pay to do so.

As supporters outside of Oakland we can materially and emotionally support our union siblings as they take this significant step forward for several thousand union members and 49,000 students. UTLA’s six day strike showed how strong internal organizing and partnerships with community can bring real wins to schools and communities in California, but there is still much to be done. Adopt-a-Striking-School help builds the rank and file educator connections across locals that will lead to a statewide network fighting for fully and progressively funded public education in California.

  • The most important action folks can take is to sign up and support the picket lines. 
  • Donate to the OEA Membership Assistance Fund. OEA has set up a fund to provide financial support to assist their most vulnerable members in the event of a prolonged strike. The CFT is already in the process of donating to the fund, and we ask that you consider doing the same.
  • Donate to Bread for Ed: Bread for Ed is an effort to provide food for those students and teachers who won’t have access to such resources if they stay out as a result of the strike. There are 37,000 students in the district, the vast majority of whom depend on free or reduced priced lunches.

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Posted in E-news Archives, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595