Get out to vote: ADEM elections Jan. 12 & 13

Every two years the California Democratic party holds elections at Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEM) so that registered Democrats can vote for Assembly District Delegates*. Along with appointees, these delegates play a key role in voting on the party’s endorsements and leadership. Two years ago, a wave of progressive, pro-labor & social justice delegates swept many ADEM elections around the state to challenge the status quo. Here’s a recap of what happened, and why it’s important for our state’s Democratic Party to be more inclusive and transparent.

If you want to make an impact ahead of 2020, and you’re a registered Democrat, please vote! ADEM elections take place this month; days and times are based on your Assembly district. This is 48 Hills’ report on San Francisco: the competing AD17 slates in Asm. David Chiu’s district and the AD19 UniTING slate in Asm. Phil Ting’s district. Two of our Trustees are running again. You can select up to 14 candidates in your district elections; 7 female-identifying and 7 non-female identifying delegates will be elected in each Assembly district.
Voting schedule for AD 17 (east side SF)
Saturday, Jan. 12th, 10am – 1pm
Women’s Building, 3543 18th St., San Francisco
For AD 19 (west side SF & Daly City)
Sunday, Jan. 13th, 10am – 1pm
Cafe Doelger, 101 Lake Merced Blvd., Daly City
*To find your polling place and day/time for all other assembly districts, check the CADEM website:

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Posted in E-news Archives, Elections, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595