LOCATION UPDATED (Mon. 8/27) Emergency meeting: Push back on class cuts

LOCATION UPDATED (Mon. 8/27, 12-1:30pm) Emergency Meeting: Push back on class cuts

On Flex Day

dozens of faculty

 took action in solidarity with students by marching together and singing “all we are saying, is give students a chance” all the way the the Chancellor’s office. We delivered handwritten messages advocating for our students and asking him to give classes a chance to thrive.

In response to Friday’s action, administration immediately requested a meeting to hear our union’s concerns. At that meeting, our team advocated:
  • Allowing the hundreds of students awaiting ESL placement to finish testing before any more ESL sections are cancelled.
  • Prohibiting the use of first day “head counts” to determine viability. Deans and chairs should use multiple measures — student need, faculty input, rosters, past enrollment patterns – to assess a class’s viability.
  • Resolving all registration system barriers.
  • Working with the marketing department to promote low-enrolled classes.
  • Expediting staffing for unstaffed but solidly enrolled sections.
  • Assigning in-classroom counselors to help students in cancelled classes add other classes.

Next steps:

  • LOCATION UPDATED – Join AFT 2121 Leaders, concerned faculty, and students at an Emergency Meeting to Stop Damaging Class Cancellation on Monday, 8/27 from 12-1:30pm on Ocean Campus in VA 114. Contact is Leslie Simon, lsimon@ccsf.edu.
  • You can check the District’s posted procedures and timeline for identifying low enrolled classes, and determining which classes will be cut, and which will run. Our Union remains committed to working with District administration to address faculty concerns about the negative impacts of premature cuts.
  • AFT is still collecting information on the extent of the class closures. If your class is threatened or cut because of low enrollment, email aft@aft2121.org with specific information about the class (department, course number, units, number of students enrolled).

Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at aft2121.org. Follow us on Facebook.
To update your email address, please let us know at aft@aft2121.org.

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Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595