Leadership elections | Salary proposal: Support our team | Mark Leno | more…

(Wed. 4/4) College for All tabling

Drop by our College for All table to sign the petition to make California colleges tuition-free for California residents at UCs, CSUs, and CCs. You can find us on Ocean Campus at Ram Plaza (between the Cafeteria and the Student Union Building) on Wed.4/4 between 11-1pm. If it’s raining look for us inside the cafeteria.

(Sat. 4/7) Get Smart! Educators for Leno Mobilization

During the accreditation crisis, Senator Mark Leno worked with our Union to protect our CCSF by bringing stabilization funding to our college. Now he needs our help. We hope you will meet us this Saturday 4/7 at Spreckles Lake in Golden Gate Park from 10am-1pm to talk to voters, and get out Mark’s vision of a stronger future for San Francisco.

Our Union has endorsed Supervisor Jane Kim and Senator Mark Leno in the San Francisco Mayoral race. Stay tuned for more opportunities to volunteer for both of these candidates.

RSVP and invite

District to respond to Union salary proposal this week

Show your support! Starting this month wear your AFT buttons and t-shirts each Wednesday to show your support for our bargaining team’s work during their Wednesday negotiations sessions.

At our last negotiations before the break, the District said it will respond to the AFT salary and workload proposal this week at the Wednesday, April 4bargaining session. Faculty have presented compelling stories of the impact of low pay and excessive workloads on their livelihoods and work lives. Our message has been clear: make faculty salaries and workloads a budget priority so that CCSF can retain and attract well-qualified faculty and protect educational quality.

Faculty are encouraged to attend the open negotiations sessions each Wednesday from 1:00-5:00 in MUB 238. All faculty are invited. Before attending, please review our open negotiations guidelines. And all members are encouraged to wear their Union buttons and T-shirts on Wednesdays until we get a fair contract!

AFT 2121 Leadership Elections

Every 2 years, we elect faculty who are members in good standing of our union to positions of leadership. The nomination process for all Officer, Executive Board, Labor Council and AFT Convention delegate and Precinct Rep positions is now complete. Candidates have until Friday, April 6, 2018, by 5:00 p.m. to submit candidate statements to our Union office by emailing them to: aft@aft2121.org with cc to: AFT Secretary Marco Mojica at mmojica@aft2121.org. Next week we will provide electronic URL link to candidate statements for members to read online.

Pro or con statements for ballot initiatives to amend AFT 2121 Constitution/Bylaws

Members may submit pro or con statements regarding the proposed amendments to the AFT 2121 Constitution/Bylaws that will be voted upon in the upcoming 2018 AFT Officers election.

  1. Each pro/con statement is limited to 100 words.
  2. A “word” for this purpose is a single letter or digit, or a group of letters or digits, preceded and followed by a space or other separating device used in lieu of a space. The hyphen, when used in its normal or usual grammatically correct manner, will be considered as an interior part of a single word: e.g., “forty-one” is one word; “I-shall-try” is three words. Names shall count as words. Each name (i.e., first, middle and last) is a separate word whether within the statement or as an endorser.
  3. If a statement goes beyond the limit and if time permits, then there shall be an attempt to notify the writer of the statement. If the Election Commission is unable to reach the writer of the statement or if no change is forthcoming before the deadline, then the statement shall be cut off at the maximum number of words.

Email pro/con statements to: aft@aft2121.org with cc to:  AFT Secretary Marco Mojica at mmojica@aft2121.org. Next week we will provide electronic URL link to pro/con statements for members to read online.

Correct Your Mailing Address:
Because ballots will be sent to your home address, we need your current information in order for you to vote. If you are not sure if AFT 2121 has your current mailing address, please call the office at 585-2121, or email us at aft@aft2121.org with the correct address.

Decline Release of Information:
Candidates for office will have access to members’ addresses and phone numbers strictly for the purpose of campaigning in this Union election. If you do not want your address and phone number released to candidates for Union office, please call us at 585-2121 or email us at aft@aft2121.org indicating that you do not wish to release your address and phone number to candidates for Union office.

Full election details

Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at aft2121.org. Follow us on Facebook.
To update your email address, please let us know at aft@aft2121.org.

Please post, distribute, and otherwise share this information
with interested colleagues who may not be receiving emails.

Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from AFT 2121, please click here.
Posted in E-news Archives, Elections, Events, Members, Negotiations

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

Read about

Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595