AFT 2121 Officers Election: Candidates Statements and Pro/Con Arguments for ballot initiatives

Due date for candidate statements or pro/con statements : Friday, April 6,  2018, by 5:00 p.m. Email to: with cc to:  AFT Secretary Marco Mojica at

Rules for Candidate Statements for AFT 2121 General Election

  1. Each candidate is entitled to a statement to be included in the mailing out of the ballots to the membership by electronic URL link. We will also post them at the AFT 2121 website in the Elections section. The statement should be in clearly readable form and sent to the AFT office electronically as an email attachment. Email to or to Marco Mojica, Secretary, at
  2. Each statement is limited to 100 words except for presidential candidates, for whom 150 words are allowed.
  3. A “word” for this purpose is a single letter or digit, or a group of letters or digits, preceded and followed by a space or other separating device used in lieu of a space. The hyphen, when used in its normal or usual grammatically correct manner, will be considered as an interior part of a single word: e.g., “forty-one” is one word; “I-shall-try” is three words. Names shall count as words. Each name (i.e., first, middle and last) is a separate word whether within the statement or as an endorser.
  4. If a statement goes beyond the limit and if time permits, then there shall be an attempt to notify the writer of the statement. If the Election Commission is unable to reach the writer of the statement or if no change is forthcoming before the deadline, then the statement shall be cut off at the maximum number of words.

Pro or con statements for ballot initiatives to amend AFT 2121 Constitution/Bylaws

  1. Members may submit pro or con statements, limited to 100 words, regarding the proposed amendments to the AFT 2121 Constitution/Bylaws that will be voted upon in the upcoming 2018 AFT Officers election. We will provide the electronic URL link to pro/con statements for members to read online. They can also be accessed at the AFT 2121 website in the 2018 Officers Election section.
Posted in Elections

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Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595