Grievance news: EOPS & Title 5 | Bargaining | more…

EOPS faculty’s urgent call for new full-time program director

After a succession of interim program directors in EOPS, counselors have worked hard to hire a full-time replacement, including a comprehensive re-work of the job announcement and duties. However, in the 11th hour of last semester, the administration balked, saying they are now considering whether to fill it as an administrative position.

In response, AFT is demanding that the District maintain the EOPS Program Director as a facultyposition (although under the Department Chairperson’s Council-DCC), as it has been for decades, while negotiating with AFT over specific terms of employment consistent with the demands of the job. This hiring is overdue. We need a Program Director who understands and works with EOPS faculty and students.

Title 5 complaints: lack of due process

Under Title 5 Non-discrimination procedures, complaints of unlawful discrimination are handled by the District’s Title 5 compliance officer. AFT represents faculty in cases where a student or CCSF employee files a complaint against them. Faculty often experience the investigation process as less than transparent and lacking due process. For years, the District has refused to provide AFT with copies of the complaints and other related information prior to interviewing the accused faculty member.

AFT is now calling on the District to change this practice, noting a series of Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) rulings directing community college employers to provide the Union with information relevant to the charges, including copies of the complaints. The District has agreed to look at these cases and practice at other colleges regarding Title 5 investigations.

Open negotiations

You can help us keep our momentum in negotiations by telling your story. Why do you love your job? Is the affordability crisis threatening your ability to remain an educator? Is this affecting the quality of education our students deserve?

  • You can share your story at any Open Negotiations this semester (every Wednesday2pm, MUB 238)
  • or in public comment to the Board of Trustees (February 22, 4pm, MUB 140).

Let’s continue asking the Board of Trustees and our administration for their support in protecting what matters at our college.

Can’t tell your story? You can still support our Bargaining Team.

Have you signed a new membership form yet? Hundreds of faculty who have chosen to re-commit to our Union by signing our new membership form — with its loud, proud commitment to “stick with our union” for a full calendar year —  have helped to keep us in a powerful position for our negotiations. If you have not done so this school year, please help us keep the momentum going and sign a new AFT 2121 membership form.

(Picture) Working together to keep our Union strong and fight right wing attacks on the working class.

You can help make College for All real

The proposed measure to create an estate tax on the wealthiest 0.2% of Californians to make tuition free at all the Community Colleges, CSUs and UCs statewide – is growing – and still needs your help!
Our AFT 2121 Prez Tim Killikelly asked and CFT has agreed to give $50K to the campaign. We have 76 days left to gather signatures and we still need about 500K signatures.
Can you help?
  • Drop by our College for All table at Ram Plaza between 11-1pm on Thurs. 2/15, Tues.  2/20, Thurs. 2/22, or Tues. 2/27
  • Make an announcement in your classes
  • Invite a student to present in your classes. Send your class meeting times to Celi Tamayo-Lee at SF Rising ( / 415-336-0615 )

There are petitions at our AFT 2121 office. Reach out to AFT 2121 Organizer Athena Waid ( / 406-531-0503) if you need to get your hands on some. And stay tuned for a Petition Gathering Training in the coming weeks!

Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at Follow us on Facebook.
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Posted in E-news Archives, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595