UPDATED: Compressed Calendar | Students’ election outreach | BoT | more…

Report back: Compressed Calendar Work Group meetings

The District has put together a work group of college-wide constituency representatives to explore the possibility of moving to a compressed calendar. Meetings of this work group (see schedule below) are open to all and interested parties are encouraged to attend and voice opinions.
In the first meeting last week, Anna Davies (VCAA) stated that this group will recommend WHETHER OR NOT to move forward with the application to change to compressed calendar. The group’s goal is to consider all the pros and cons and make a recommendation by the end of Spring 2017.
AFT 2121 did extensive work together with the ESL department on a compressed calendar pilot that was implemented in 2007 at Mission campus. We will certainly bring that historical perspective to the conversation. The 2007 trial included a load reduction for the faculty who participated. If you have experience with that experiment or have taught in a compressed calendar at another college, we’d like to hear from you.
While the new Compressed Calendar Work Group will make recommendations, implementation of compressed calendar is dependent on negotiations with our Union. As a change in calendar would deeply impact all faculty working conditions, we need you to participate and work with us to hold the district accountable as the discussion moves forward.
Meeting dates for Fall 2016 are as follows:
  • October 7: MUB 170, 3-5pm
  • October 21: MUB 140, 1-3pm
  • November 4: MUB 170, 3-5pm
  • November 18: MUB 170, 1-3pm
  • December 2: MUB 170, 3-5pm
  • December 16: MUB 140, 1-3pm

Tuesday, October 25: All members invited to join COPE and General Membership meetings

We urge all members to join our COPE and General Membership meetings on Tuesday, October 25 from 3-5pm on the Ocean campus in MUB 140. During this General Membership meeting we will be recessing to conduct a COPE meeting. Come be a part of our Union’s democratic process.

Thursday, 10/27: Tell the Board of Trustees stop the cuts and cancellations!

Administration has pursued an austerity agenda of cuts that will send our school into a death spiral of diminishing enrollment. Help educate the Board about the effects of these cuts on our students, our faculty, our school, and our community.

Join us for Public Comment
Board of Trustees meeting
Thursday, Oct. 27, MUB 140
Meeting begins at 4:00. Public Comment time TBA.

More details to follow.

Saturday, 10/22: Join our outreach for Kimberly Alvarenga and Prop W (UPDATED)

District 11 Supervisor candidate Kimberly Alvarengahas been there from the beginning with us during the fight to defend our CCSF. On Saturday we are supporting Kimberly and in turn she is helping us spread the word about Prop W making CCSF Free!

Saturday, October 22nd from 10:00am-2:00pm
District 11 – 4458 Mission Street, near Excelsior Avenue
RSVP to Alisa Messer: amesser@aft2121.org

Please join us! Can’t make it this time? Let her know: I want to help!

Associated Students November elections outreach: Tell your students about voting!

The Associated Students Council of Ocean Campus (ASC) is doing elections informational outreach to CCSF students. With the help of Academic Senate and Mail Services, they have placed one envelope for each Ocean Campus faculty member in your mailboxes. Each envelope contains 6 information flyers for students (about Prop W, Prop B, and Board of Trustees), and also 1 flyer about the ASC’s upcoming Board of Trustees candidate forum event.

We invite you to share/read this information with your students as per ASC’s request, and (since flyers are limited) ask students to take pictures of the flyers and share them with their fellow students — preferably before October 24 the last day to register to vote. We appreciate ASC’s tremendous work in getting this critical information out to students!

November elections: Making City College FREE for San Franciscans again and so much more!

This election is critical to the future of our college and our city. We’re fighting to make our City College freefor San Franciscans, to defend working families, and for affordable housing. Please join us!
Our union is phone banking with student, community, and faculty volunteers every week Monday throughWednesday at the AFT 2121 office (311 Miramar Ave @ Ocean) from 5-8pm. and at the San Francisco Labor Council (1188 Franklin St #203) on Thursdays from 5:30-8:30pm.

by Alisa Messer and Tim Killikelly

Full AFT 2121 info for November 2016 elections

Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at aft2121.org. Follow us on Facebook.
To update your email address, please let us know at aft@aft2121.org.

Please post, distribute, and otherwise share this information
with interested colleagues who may not be receiving emails.

Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address or to stop receiving emails from AFT 2121, please click here.
Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

AFT 2121 Spring 2024 Schedule

AFT 2121 Members in Action

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595